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Online consumers have greater bargaining power. (网购)有无穷无尽的选择。 The choices are endless. 所有商品都是送货上门。

Everything is delivered to your front door. 他总是时不时就查看一下易趣网上的东西。 He checks out eBay every now and then. 网上购物加剧了(商家间的)竞争。

Online shopping has increased competitiveness. 我控制不了自己,不停地下订单。 I can’t stop myself from ordering. 我承认:(网购)上瘾了! I confess: I’m addicted!

我更喜欢逛实物店,因为可以亲眼看到那些 商品。

I prefer real life shopping; you can see the products. 在网上买书绝不会错。

You can’t go wrong buying books online. 我的信用卡账户现在还欠着几笔巨款呢。

There are a few large dents in my credit card. 在网上买衣服就是一场赌博。

Buying clothes online is always a gamble. 要小心你的卖家。

Be careful about who you buy from.

我买到的东西和他们(卖家)广告上的不一样。 What I got didn’t look like what they advertised. 一定要在决定购买前多浏览一下。 Be sure to browse around before deciding. 我在淘宝网上买到不少便宜货。

I picked up some great bargains on Taobao. 我真没想到质量能这么好。

I was pleasantly surprised by the quality. 便捷就是无价的。

The convenience is priceless.

一旦你找到个可以信任的卖家,以后的事情就会一帆风顺啦。 Once you find a seller you can trust, it’s clear sailing. 如今好多零售商都开了网店。

Many retailers have e-stores these days. 网购清单目录上的商品真是应有尽有。 The online catalogue is quite extensive.
