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邻居,指家或住处与另一人的家或住处靠紧或邻近的人;住在隔壁另外一家的或附近的人。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 邻居英语单词1 neighbor 邻居英语单词2 neighbour 邻居英语单词3 vicinage 邻居的英语例句: 邻居家已经被盗窃三次了。

The house next door has been burgled three times. 一个邻居收留了这个男孩在他家藏了7天。 A neighbor sheltered the boy for seven days. 他常常为了噪音和邻居们争吵。

He was always fighting with his neighbors about the noise. 这些邻居被眼前的景象深深感动了。

The neighbors were deeply touched when they saw this. 我的邻居是一个具有高尚品德的人。 My neighbor is a man of highest virtue. 她委托邻居照顾她的孩子。

She resigned her children to the care of a neighbor. 她喜欢议论邻居们的是非长短。

She loves to gossip to her neighbors. 我从邻居那借了割草机来割花园里的草。

I borrowed a mower from my neighbor to cut grass in my garden. 那声音大得让邻居讨厌。

The noise was so loud that it was a nuisance to the neighbours.


Why does the grass always look greener on the other side of the fence? 邻居向警察抱怨邻居家的狗老吠.

Neighbours complained to the police about the dogs barking. 这两个邻居现已消除了他们之间的不和。

The two neighbors have now arranged their differences. 史密斯夫人生病期间由一位邻居照顾她。 Mrs.Smith has done for her by a neighbor.


The widow gossiped about her neighbors.


Love not only your loved ones, but your neighbors your coworkers strangers your brothers and sisters in humanity.


If your neighbor loves to gossip, don ' t add up to the gossiping but just be indifferent.

与此相反,他的邻居是个银行家,拥有万贯家财,却很少唱歌,晚上也睡得不好。 His neighbor, n the contrary, Ho was rolling in wealth, sung but little and slept less.

