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莫纳什大学(Monash University),也称为蒙纳士大学。世界百强名校,是澳洲八大名校(Group of Eight)的盟校成员。2014年度QS界大学排名,莫纳什大学综合排名第70位。莫纳什大学在校学生数达63002人,其中国际学生占比35%。下面(www,)为大家分享介绍更多关于莫纳什大学排名的信息,为大家提供参考。

Our rankings 莫纳什大学排名

At Monash, we take our reputation seriously. Monash has achieved an enviable national and international reputation for research and teaching excellence in a short 50 years. Monash is ranked in the top one per cent of world universities. And, in line with our vision and strategy for the future, Monash will continue to drive for improvement.


But while rankings are important, we care as much about your individual experience as we do about our position on the global scale. Monash gives you opportunities that don't affect our rankings, but will enrich your life as a Monash student.


Monash is ranked: 莫纳什大学排名

in the top one per cent of world universities 83rd in the world according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (20142015)

2014-2015英国泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排名前100 的大学中名列第83

in the top 150 world universities, with an estimated rank of 115th according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2014.


Leaders from the world's most successful companies consistently rate Monash as a preferred university from which to hire graduates. Global Employability Rankings, 20112013, New York Times


Ranked 33rd in the world from which to hire graduates (Global Employability University Rankings, 2014)

毕业生就业率名列世界33(2014年全球就业能力大学排名) The Good Universities Guide 2015 awarded Monash five stars for:

在以下几个方面,莫纳什大学获得五星: staff qualifications 师资力量 student retention 学生数量 research intensivity 研究深度 research grants.研究资金 Discipline rankings 学科排名

Monash is ranked:

the best university in Australia for chemistry (Academic Ranking of World Universities, 2014)

46th in the world for clinical, pre-clinical and health (Times Higher Education, 20142015)

44th in the world for arts and humanities (Times Higher
