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出去的英文我们都知道是go out,那么你知道不要出去的英文是什么吗?下面是店铺为你整理的不要出去的英文,希望大家喜欢! 不要出去的英文

not go out Don't go out not go out例句

1. You do not go out to injure opponents. 你并非蓄意伤害对手。

2. Why not go out and see if there's some place we can dance? 为什么不出去看看是否有我们可以跳舞的地方?

3. Inasmuch as the waves are high, I shall not go out in the boat.

既然风浪很大, 我就不乘船出海了.

4. He could not go out to war as a sachem. 首领的身份是不能够参加战争的.

5. What a pleasant weather. Why not go out for a walk? 天气多好 ,为什么不出去散散步?

6. It rained cats and dogs all day and we could not go out. 整天大雨滂沱,我们不能外出.

7. She did not go out because of the intense cold. 天气很冷,他没有出去.

8. But this kind does not go out except by prayer fasting. 至于这一类的鬼,若不祷告禁食,他就不出来. (或作不能赶他出来) 9. They would not go out doubtless because of the shining light.


10. It was raining hard, so they did not go out. 雨下得很大, 因此,他们没有出去.

Don't go out造句

1. Don't go out of your depth; you can't swim. 不要到水深没顶的地方去, 你不会游泳. 2. Don't go out after dark. 天黑后别往外跑.

3. We don't go out much these days. 近来我们不大出门.

4. I don't go out whenever it rains. 天一下雨,我就不出门了. 5. Don't go out, you'll get wet. 千万别出门, 否则将会淋透.

6. Don't go out without a coat: you'll catch your death. 别不穿外套出去,会得重感冒的.

7. Don't go out in this rain you'll get soaked to the skin. 这么大的雨别出门——你会被淋透的. 8. Don't go out in the cold without a coat! 在这样寒冷的天气里要穿上外衣才好出去. 9. Don't go out after curfew. 宵禁时不要外出.

10. Don't go out with that creep. He went out with me last week.

别和那个混蛋约会, 他上个星期还和我约会呢.
