《高二英语作文中英翻译:我和我祖国》 摘要:in the past. If you don't see it, the Long March will be long. Who will be killed or injured in the battlefield. In the turbulent years, the gunshot of uprising broke through the sky, and the blood of students infiltrated the pages. As you can see, Lu Xun cried out in the dark, "I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood", Li Dazhao calmly went to the execution ground to "build a wind and rain tower in Shenzhou", and Premier Zhou worked hard "hard to pay a hero in the sea". At last, you will see that the eastern lion roars to the dawn, and China rises in Asia and revives in the world.,with ambition. In the 70 years of military parade, the Phoenix is flying and the eagle is flying. The national instruments are fighting in the sky. 70 guns are firing. The dragon is leaping and the tiger is leaping. The national momentum is like a rainbow. Five bright stars are set off by the striking red to fly to the sky. I was ignorant of the world when I was a child, and today I am touched by every little thing in my motherland. Patriotism - it's a string of beads. It connects my motherland, the mainland and Hong Kong and Taiwan. It connects students at home and abroad, pearls and hearts.,suddenly, the huge waves billow, and the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Today, we should forge ahead and never forget our original intention. "The wave is the son of the sea, and the sea is the support of the wave..." The strength of our motherland holds our hope. We are the shimmering light at the end of the sea. 昔日已去,还看今朝。伴随着像浪涛一样的欢呼,人们眼底闪耀着激动的光芒,整个天安门广场上,祖国与我们的故事拉开了帷幕。 …小编为您整理了《高二英语作文中英翻译:我和我的祖国》,供您学习参考使用。 昔日已去,还看今朝。伴随着像浪涛一样的欢呼,人们眼底闪耀着激动的光芒,整个天安门广场上,祖国与我们的故事拉开了帷幕。 The past has gone, but the present. With the cheers like waves, people's eyes are shining with excited light. The whole Tiananmen Square, the story of the motherland and US has opened. 数风流人物于往。君不见,万里长征路漫漫,战场卫国谁死伤。疾风怒雨,电闪雷鸣,动荡的岁月里,起义的枪响划破天际,学生的鲜血浸润了书页。君可见,鲁迅在黑暗里呐喊我以我血荐轩辕,李大钊从容赴刑场高筑神州风雨楼,周总理沥血辛劳难酬滔海亦英雄。君终见,东方雄狮向拂晓怒吼,中国在亚细亚崛起,在世界复兴。 The number of people in the past. If you don't see it, the Long March will be long. Who will be killed or injured in the battlefield. In the turbulent years, the gunshot of uprising broke through the sky, and the blood of students infiltrated the pages. As you can see, Lu Xun cried out in the dark, "I recommend Xuanyuan with my . blood", Li Dazhao calmly went to the execution ground to "build a wind and rain tower in Shenzhou", and Premier Zhou worked hard "hard to pay a hero in the sea". At last, you will see that the eastern lion roars to the dawn, and China rises in Asia and revives in the world. 看英雄儿女于今。自熹光照亮一九七八,沐浴改革春风,港口城市开放了,特区经济建设跟上了,与时间的赛跑中我们拔得头筹,更加坚定信念。海子说:要有最朴素的生活和最远的梦想。君可见一带一路大发展,港珠澳桥梁放光芒,惊叹潜龙腾渊、天眼落成、C919翱翔蓝天,中国高铁走向世界。可君不见,黄旭华躲躲藏藏二十载,专心搞科研;张富清深隐功与名,率贫困百姓奔小康;袁隆平风雨无阻下田地;屠呦呦团队日夜钻研抗疟良药。朴实无华,只求身后名,是这些人的真实写照,他们将青春年华无私奉献,而于我们也当如此,今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年。 Look at the heroes and their children today. Since the beginning of 1978, with the spring breeze of reform, the port city has opened up, and the economic construction of the special zone has kept pace. In the race against time, we have won the first place and have more firm faith. Haizi said, "we should have the most simple life and the farthest dream." You can see the great development of "one belt and one road". Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is shining. We marvel at Qianlong Tengyuan, the completion of the sky, C919 soaring into the blue sky, and China's high-speed rail going to the world. But you can't see. Huang Xuhua has been hiding for 20 years and devoted himself to scientific research. Zhang Fuqing has hidden his fame and achievements and led the poor people to a well-off life. Yuan Longping has been working in the fields without any hindrance. Tu youyou's team has been working day and night to study the antimalarial drugs. Simple and unsophisticated, just for the name behind them, is the true portrayal of these people. They selflessly dedicate their youth, and we should do the same. "Today's responsibility is not for others, but for my youth.". 携壮志奔向未来。70年阅兵式,凤翥鹰翔,国器搏击长空,70声炮鸣,龙腾虎跃,国人气势如虹。五颗亮眼星星被醒目的红衬托着飞向天空,我从孩提时代不谙世事的懵懂,到今日被祖. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/52f2be5c874769eae009581b6bd97f192279bf23.html