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watch的汉语意思 [wt] [wɑ:t]


及物动词 注视,注意; 看守,监视; 守候(机会等); 密切注意 名词 ; 值夜,值班; 看守,监视; 值班人员 不及物动词 观看; 注视; 守候; 看守 相关例句 不及物动词

1. He watched for his chance to propose to her. 他在等待时机向她求婚。

2. We cannot just watch with fold arms. 我们不能袖手旁观。 名词

1. I was on duty during the morning watch. 我值早班。 watch的词典解释 1. 监视

If you watch someone, you follow them secretly or spy on them.

e.g. Ella was scared that someone was watching her... 有个人一直在监视埃拉,这让她很害怕。

e.g. I always had the feeling we were being watched. 我总感觉我们被监视了。

2. 当心;留神

If you tell someone to watch a particular person or thing, you are warning them to be careful that the person or thing does not get out of control or do something unpleasant.

e.g. You really ought to watch these quiet types... 你真的应该留神这些寡言少语的人。

e.g. If you're watching the calories, don't have mayonnaise. 如果你在意卡路里的摄入量,就不要吃蛋黄酱。 3. 警戒时间;值班时间

A watch is a period of carefully looking and listening, often while other people are asleep and often as a military duty, so that you can warn them of danger or an attack.

e.g. I had the first watch that May evening. 我第一次执行警戒任务是在那个五月的晚上。 4. 警戒;守卫

If someone keeps watch, they look and listen all the time, while other people are asleep or doing something else, so that they can warn them of danger or an attack.

e.g. Jose, as usual, had climbed a tree to keep watch. 乔斯像往常一样爬到树上放哨。 5. 注意,关注(事态发展)

If you keep watch on events or a situation, you pay attention to what is happening, so that you can take action at the right moment.

e.g. US officials have been keeping close watch on the situation.

美国官员一直密切注意着事态的.发展。 6. 当心;留神

You say 'watch it' in order to warn someone to be careful, especially when you want to threaten them about what will
