
时间:2022-03-25 07:32:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

To be civilied, harmonious and sanitary, and to build a sweet dorm. 2宿舍如我家,清洁整洁靠大家。

Dormitory is home and we should keep it tidy. 3搭建心灵家园,共创和谐宿舍。

To create a spiritual home and to build a harmonious dorm together. 4擦去的是一块污渍污染的是本人的灵魂。

To wipe away a spot cleans one' s soul on the side. 5晶莹清雅之居,同心同德之果。

A distinct and elegant dorm requires efforts from us all. 6公共宿舍勿喧闹,爱惜公物惜资源。

Please be quiet in the dorm and treasure the public property and resources


Take care of things on the high balconies and windows and free them from flling off.


To regard the factory as home and to endeavor for its development. 9爱护共事相处情,倾献关爱互辅助

Be harmonious with colleagues and to care for each other. 10一屋不扫,何以扫天下。

Keep your room in order before you can master the world


It' s our moral obligation to treasure public property. 12宿舍之文源于友好,宿舍之明源于干净。

Civilization of the dorm requires harmony and tidiness. 13同居一室是缘份,爱润泽是天职。

To be in the same room is serendipitous, therefore, love your roommates.


Manners are key to civilized cohabitation. 15无人房间灯不亮,人走灯灭成习惯。

Turn off the lights when no one is in. It' s a good habit to extinguish the lights beforeleaving a room.


Please save water because it' s for everyone' s sake. 17恶语不出口,苟言不留耳。

Do not badmouth or remember ill words of others. 18宿舍是我家,和气相处你我他。

Dormitory is our home; be harmonious with each other. 19心美言丽宿舍留,德行礼让文化求。

A harmonious dorm calls for hearty conversations and manners. 20一分义务一份播种一次善举一份温馨。

An obligation requires an effort; and an almsdeed brings harmony.
