
时间:2023-03-09 01:04:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


When I read the last page of the book "oliver twist" fold, I suffered by oliver in the book of life and feel sad, sad mood makes me can't be calm once in a long time.

The story took place in the early 19th century in England, where the illegitimate son oliver struggled for nine years in the workhouse because of his mother's early death. Nine years, oliver suffered from misery and suffering, in order to eat a bowl of rice, said a sentence "I will", was driven out of the workhouse, was forced to come to the coffin shop as an apprentice. Later, in order to maintain his dignity, he finally escaped from the coffin shop. But fate did not care for him, and he twice stepped into the den. Finally, the kind-hearted girl, Nancy, was killed by the thieves' den in order to save him...

Every time I enjoyed a delicious meal, I thought of the thin and thin

figure of oliver, and I wonder if he is doing well now. I really want to share all the good things with him. Now, I cherish what I have, compared to oliver, I am so happy!




During the summer vacation, I was reading the book of the novelist dickens, oliver, the hero of "oliver twist". Oliver is society the illegitimate child of a rich man, he not only can't inherited the family business, and it's

mother for long without caring others, man walk alone, thinking, after giving birth to him.

Oliver came to earth in the workhouse living in hell, 9 years, and he was sent to a coffin shop as an apprentice, but over and over again in a den of thieves, thieves wanted nothing more than to his training to become a

professional thief, oliver is not willing to, in an accident refuse a gun, ok have a good intention person to help, oliver finally live a happy life to read this book, I'd like to oliver said: "oliver, it was very kind of you, even in a den of thieves, also don't want to do harm."

This book is very specific about a person's fate is so twists and turns, and we are in the fate comes, how helpless, maybe we also have a barrage of bad luck, but where is the fall, will climb up on.


奥利弗来到人间后,在济贫院里过着地狱一般的生活,9岁就被送到一家棺材店当学徒,却一次次身陷贼窝,大盗们一心想把他培养成一个专业的小偷,奥利弗不肯,在一次事故后身中一枪,还好有好心人相助,奥利弗终于过上了幸福的生活读了这本书,我很想对奥利弗说:“奥利弗,你真善良,即使身陷贼窝,也不愿意做伤天害理的事情。” 这本书很具体的讲述了一个人的命运是如此波折,而我们在命运来临时是多么无奈,也许我们也有接二连三的厄运,但在哪跌倒,就要在哪里爬起来!

