
时间:2022-04-02 12:27:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A Time to Taste Tea 品茶

Qingming Festival is also a time to enjoy a cup of tea, because the tea produced around Qingming Festival is said to be with high-quality.

The plucking of tea usually takes place in spring, summer and autumn. Tealeaves from different seasons have different appearances and inner quality. Tealeaves plucked in spring, from early March to the Qingming Festival, are called pre-ming tea or first tea. Its color is of light jade green, and tastes pure with a touch of acerbity. Two weeks after Qingming, it is the Guyu solar term on the Chinese lunar calendar. During this time, the Jiangnan area will experience a round of fine precipitation for the moistening of crops. And this brings forth the second peak season of tea picking. Tealeaves collected after the Qingming but before Guyu are


called pre-rain tea, and the spring tea picked after that are called post-rain tea. Spring teas prices usually vary according to the time the tealeaves were picked, with the prices being higher for earlier tea and lower for the later. In most cases, early-spring green tea is the best in quality among all available tea.

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