
时间:2022-04-11 03:05:42 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



It seems that every time we talk about the game, we will be very excited because we want to win, but also because we enjoy the process of input.


Yesterday, several of our little friends held a running competition. Although it was not very formal, everyone had a good time. 晚上放学以后,我们约好过会在小桥头碰面,于是每个人都以最快的速度跑回家,放下了书包,还没来得及换下校服,只换了双合脚的运动鞋就跑出了门。

After school in the evening, we had an appointment to meet at the end of the bridge, so everyone ran home at the fastest speed, put down the bag, and before we could change the school uniform, we just changed a pair of suitable sneakers and ran out of the door. 不一会儿,小伙伴都到齐了,经过一致投票,我们决定进行跑步比赛。

After a while, we all arrived. After a unanimous vote, we decided

to run.

于是石头剪刀布选出了各自的队员,然后依次进行比赛。 So stone scissors and cloth chose their own team members, and then played in turn.


Take your place, just whistle and set off. After a round trip, who goes back to the starting point first is the winner. After the competition, the other group will go on one by one, and the winning team will be judged according to the comprehensive results of each team.


Although there is no prize or any other special reward, but everyone plays together, the form is the second, and happiness is the most important, isnt it? This running competition, not only exercises the body, has a good appetite, but also plays with everyone to enhance the feelings, very happy
