描写大象的英语作文elephants 描写大象的英语作文 elephants 大象的样子很奇特。它长着四条粗壮的`腿,篮球似的头上长着一条长鼻子和两只扇形的大耳朵,于是,眼睛就显得非常小了。庞大的身躯后面还有一根小尾巴,专门用来驱赶苍蝇、蚊子的。它那副尖利的长牙也令对手闻风丧胆。 Elephants looks unique. It has four strong legs, long with a long nose and two big ears like a basketball fan, head and eyes are very small. A large body of the back and a small tail, designed to drive the flies and mosquitoes. Its vice long sharp teeth to tremble with fear on hearing of the opponent. 大象喝水的样子很好玩。它先用长鼻子吸进水,然后把鼻子放进嘴里,水就自动流进嘴里了。但有时水还在往嘴巴外面流,大象可真傻呀! Elephants drinking it is amusing. It first with a long nose suction inlet, then put the nose into the mouth, the water will automatically flow into the mouth. But sometimes the water continued to flow out mouth, elephants can really silly! 大象是群居动物。一群大象中总有一只德高望重[注: 德:品德;望:声望。道德高尚,名望很大。]的领头象,他既要带领象群迁徙,又要保护象群免受其它野兽攻击,所以责任重大,任务艰巨。 Elephants are social animal. A herd of elephants always has a highly respected [Note: de: character; Wang: prestige. Noble, great fame. The lead elephant, he must lead the elephant population migration, but also to protect elephants from other animals attack, so the heavy responsibility, the task is arduous. 大象是一种古老的乳动物。早在几百万年以前,它就与恐龙等动物共同生活在地球上,后来恐龙灭绝了,但大象却顽强地生存了下来,说明大象适应环境能力比较强。今天看来,只要人类尽力保护大象,大象作为一种动物种类再继续生存几百万年是不成问题的。 Elephants are an ancient mammals. As early as in millions of years ago, it was with the dinosaurs and other animals live on the earth together, then the extinction of the dinosaurs, but the elephant stubbornly survive, that the ability to adapt to the environment is strong. Today, as long as people try to protect the elephant, the elephant is a kind of animal species to survive for millions of years is not a problem. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5649a56dfd4733687e21af45b307e87101f6f828.html