【英语作文】我最喜欢的漫画my favorite cartoon

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英语作文】我最喜欢的漫画my favorite cartoon

Yukimidorikawa is

oneofmyfavoriteJapanese cartoonists So she has manyfans

在她的作品中我最喜爱的一部是《夏目友人帐》。 The comic

bookmainlytalks aboutthatthe heroXiamuguizhi has aspecial ability to

seethebogies And he often


littleboyand hisfriendsat hisagealways tease him because hehas aspecial ability Eventuallyheis adoptedby acouplewhois veryfriendlyandlet him

gotohighschool He breaks

apowerfulbogie‘s seal

whosenameisBan Since

then,thispowerfulbogieturns itself intoa catin
