小学英语作文范文:过去与现在的变化(六年级上册Module 5)

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小学英语作文范文05:过去与现在的变化(六年级上册Module 5


请写一写五年前的你和现在的你有什么不同,可以从外貌、爱好、住所、学校等展开叙述,至少40个单词。(广州六年级英语上册Module 5

Five years ago, I was very short. I lived in the country. I liked eating chocolate. And my school was very small.

But now, I am tall. I live in a big city. And I like playing the piano. My school is big and modern.


写一写你小时候和现在有什么不同之处,不少于5句话。(广州六年级英语上册Module 5

When I was five years old, I was short and thin. But now, I am tall and strong. In the past, I didn't like playing sports. But now, I like playing basketball and football. I was very quiet and I often cried in the past. I smile a lot and have many friends now. I am happy because I become a healthy and happy boy.
