It is to certify that LI Si, student , has been studying in the Department of XXXX in XXXX University, China since 2002. His major is XXXX. Now he is a senior of the Department of XXXX, The time of graduating will be July, xx. We hereby certify. Dept. of XXXX XXX University ( date) (该处加盖公章) 姓名、性别、出身年月:XXXX年XX月XX日。于XXXX年XX月保送录取进入我校XXXX学院XXXX专业学习,学制四年,现为本科四年级学生。 华中科技大学教务处 二00三年五月十一日 name, se-x, born in month, year, was enrolled in XXXX department(school) of xx-xx, Huazhong University of Science & Technology in September, 1999,majoring in xx-xx. The length of schooling is four years. Now he is a senior. Academic Affairs Office Huazhong University of Science & Technology Date of Certification: May 11, xx -- Look at the large picture, ignore all the annoying details. If I repeatedly worry about the un-important details, it is very bad for my future research! ________(学生姓名),_______(性别),生于____年___月____日,_____年_____月考入我校_______________学院学习,系全日制博士研究生/提前攻博生/直博生/硕博连读生/在读硕士生/应届硕士生/应届本科生(请选择),主修________________专业,校内学号为__________,学制_____年,预计于______年____月结束学业。 特此证明。 厦门大学研究生院 20XX年5月15日 注:请用所在单位文函纸打印 本文来源: