我的好朋友英语作文300字带翻译精选篇1 我有一个非常要好的朋友------多多。哈哈,首先解释一下,不是我的朋友多多,而是好朋友的名字叫”多多”!为什么我们是好朋友呢?起因是我们的小名是一样的,都叫”多多”!再有我们的爱好一致,在一起非常投缘。 I have a very close friend - Duoduo. Haha, first of all, it's not my friend Duoduo, but my good friend's name is Duoduo! Why are we good friends? The reason is that our nicknames are the same. They are all called “Duoduo”! Then we have the same hobbies, and we are very congenial together. 多多很瘦,每堂课下课我们都一起玩”坐花轿”的游戏,每次上”轿”的那个人首选就是她,因为她瘦,所以抬起来轻巧! Duoduo is very thin. We play the game of “sitting in a sedan chair” after class. The first choice of the person who goes to the sedan chair is her. Because she is thin, it's light to lift! 我最喜欢她那两颗露在外面的大门牙了!因为她那两颗牙像兔子的两颗大门牙,我喜欢兔子,也就喜欢那两颗牙了,也许是”爱屋及乌”吧! I like her two exposed front teeth best! Because her two teeth are like the two front teeth of a rabbit. I like rabbits, so I like those two teeth. Maybe it's “love my house, love my dog”! 多多的手很巧,她画的每一幅画都栩栩如生,如印出来一般。她的书法也很棒,她写的字,是隶书体的,在本子上规规矩矩,立立整整,看着不像写的,像是刻上去一般!多多灵巧的小手,不光写字好,做出的手工也不差。她做的小作品,都能让大家如醉如痴。她的小手还有一个”超人技能”。这个可厉害了,全班只有她会。五个手指的第一关节横过去,并且另一只手把着。看着她表演,我也曾尝试过,我只能一只手指,而她的五只手指各个都很灵活。这个绝活好难呀! Duoduo's hands are very skillful. Every picture she drew is lifelike, just like it is printed. Her calligraphy is also very good. The characters she wrote are in official script style. They are regular and upright in the book. They don't look like they are written or carved! Many dexterous little hands are not only good at writing, but also hand-made. Her small works can make everyone drunk. Her little hand also has a “Superman skill.”. It's so awesome. She's the only one in the class. The first joints of the five fingers cross, and the other hand holds them. I've tried to watch her perform. I can only have one finger, and her five fingers are very flexible. How difficult is this unique skill! 我喜欢我的好朋友,我们一定会成为永远的好朋友! I like my good friends, we will be forever good friends! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5723eaa4f41fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e9846a2767.html