Chinese Holidays 中国的节假日

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10Chinese Holidays 中国的节假日 词汇:

air conditioner 空调 ancestor n. 祖先 attract v. 吸引

celebrate v. 庆祝,纪念 childhood n. 童年 decorate v. 装饰

delicious adj. 美味的 dragon n.

dumpling n.饺子 eve n. 前夕;前夜 festibal n. 节目 former adj. 先前的 fridge n. 冰箱

joyful adj. 充满欢乐的 lantern n. 灯,灯笼

local adj. 地方的,当地的 magical 有魔力的,有魅力的 mark v. 标志

May Day 五一国际劳动节 national adj. 国家的,民族的 National Day 国庆节 pearl n. 珍珠

relative n. 亲属,亲戚 respect v. 尊重,尊敬 reunion n. 团聚,团圆 symbolic adj. 象征的 wealth n. 财富


be similar to ……相似

cook delicious food 做美味食品 decorate the house 装饰房间 enjoy family life 享受家庭生活 exchange gretings 互致问候 family reunion 家庭团聚 firework display 烟花表演 have a good time 过得愉快 local festivals 地方性节目 national holidays 全国性假期

prepare for the festival 为节日做准备 special actibities 特别活动

traditional festivals 为节日做准备

travel abroad 出国旅行

visit friends and relatives 拜访亲戚、朋友 中国传统节日及活动英译 新年-New Year’s Day 春节-Spring Festival

三八节-International Working Women’s Day 五一节-May Day

五四节-Chinese Youth Day

六一节-International Children’s Day 八一建军节-Army Day

中国共产党成立纪念日-Aniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China

国庆节-National Day

元宵节The Lantern Festival

清明节The Tomb-sweeping Festival 端午节The Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival 重阳节The Double Ninth Day 七夕节The Double Seventh Day

Value Significance

Chinese traditional festivals as a behavioral level of the traditional culture, rooted in the China ancient agricultural culture, in its long history has formed its own unique culture, reflects the strong cohesion and vitality of the culture,sometimes even to the cultural spirit, the national spirit link, plays a very important role in the social development process.

The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is known as the most important Festival in China. During the holiday, people go back to hometown from everywhere no matter how far the distance is. They prepare various delicious food and presents for the Spring Festival Eve. Chinese will have a happy family union in the Spring Festival Eve, they believe that’s the end day of last year and they will stay up for good luck until the first day of next year. In China, the most traditional and popular Spring Festival food is dumpling, which looks like the moon with vegetables and meat mixed in it. The Chinese name of dumpling is “JIAO ZI”, JIAO” means ”cross”, ”ZI” is Chinese traditional time represents “24:00”, so the Chinese word “JIAO ZI” means “cross 24:00”, just the dividing point of last year and next year. So when it comes to 24:00, every family begins eating dumplings Now putting up red paper on the door and setting firecracker becomes Spring Festival customs and people believe doing these will bring their family safety. Spring Festival is also the happiest time for children, because they can get red envelope containing money as a gift from the elder. During the Spring Festival, any unfortunate word cannot be heard because it will make people upset and unhappy. People also make use of this holiday to visit their relatives and bring them some

presents and well-wishing

The Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival is January 15 on the lunar calendar. The lunar January is the first month of a year and 15th is the first day of full moon. During Lantern Festival, people go along the street to watch lanterns and children light their own small lanterns for some fun. The biggest and most beautiful lantern is the dragon lantern, which looks like a flying dragon, held by several young guys. One with a ball in hand leads the dragon to move. Some lanterns have puzzles 灯谜on them, called lantern puzzle, the one who gets the answer could receive small presents and be happy for his intelligence. The traditional food for Lantern Festival is rice glue ball. Rice glue ball is a flavor ball with filling in it, for example, peanut filling, sesame filling and jam filling?,the rice glue ball’s shape is just like the full moon appears in the sky. This kind of dessert is especially welcomed by children.

Tombsweep Day

Tombsweep Day is an ancient festival in spring, also called Qing Ming Festival. In ancient China, the emperor worshipped heaven and earth in order to bless for harvest. People worshipped their ancestors with sacrifice and showed their missing for ancestors.

Mid-autumn Day

Mid-autumn Day is August 15th on lunar calendar. According to history records, Chinese emperor has tradition that worship the Sun in spring and worship the Moon in autumn. As august 15th is exactly the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn Day. The traditional food of Mid-Autumn Day is Moon cake, a round baked cake with fillings in it. The round shape of moon cake represents family reunion. In the night of Mid-Autumn Day, every family has moon cake and watches the moon. One most famous story is Chang’e flying to the moon. Thousands of years ago, there were 9 suns in the sky, many people felt too hot to live. A young man called Yi was brave enough and shot 8 suns to the ground and saved people. One day Yi got a potion of elixir from Queen Mother and gave his wife Chang’e to keep. A man named Peng Meng knew about the elixir and wanted to get it from Chang’e. One day when Yi was out for hunting, Peng Meng went to rob the elixir. In order to protect the elixir, Chang’e swallowed all of the elixir then flied to the moon.

The Double Ninth Festival

Ancient Chinese believes nine represents sun, the brightest thing, September 9th has two nine, the sun is doubled, so call it Double Ninth Festival. Nine also means Long in Chinese words, so the Double Ninth Festival is also recognized The Old Festival. In Double Ninth Festival, people go to their ancestors’ tombs to worship with coat for winner.
