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三八节说给女人的悄悄话(不同的花)_ 经典短信

有一首好听的歌曲《女人花》,女人如花,是我今天说的主题。 女人二十岁是桃花,灿烂绚丽,看上去让人感觉赏心悦目,我相信所有的人想到桃花都会感觉有美好的感觉,想用手摸一下的感觉,这也是二十多岁女孩子给大家的感觉,所以二十岁的女孩一定要珍惜这种被所有人像捧在手里的感觉。



女人五十岁是牡丹,大气张扬。少年老成老张扬,我倒觉得五十岁的女人就应该张扬,这个时候不是活给男人了,是活给自己,这个年龄张扬点挺好。 女人六十岁是棉花,温暖的舒服的,女人到了六十岁,温暖的舒适的才是最受人欢迎的。



事业得意时是美丽高雅的百合花,香味扑鼻而来,给所有的人带来享受。 失意时也许只是平淡无奇的狗尾巴花,每人关心,但是执着的生长在广袤的草原。




人生有顺境就有逆境,但是姐姐妹妹们请记住,你是女人你是花,不管什么时候,散发芳香,给身边的人带来享受才是最重要的。 祝愿所有的姐妹们节日快乐!

There is a beautiful song "woman flowers," the woman such as flower, I said today's theme.

The woman was twenty years old, bright beautiful peach, looks feeling letting a person is cheerful, I believe that all the people will have good sense of peach, want to feel with the hand a feeling, this is 20 girls to twenty years old, so the girl must cherish this was all in one hand feeling.

The woman is thirty years old, this is the most attractive rose, the age of maturity and charming. In this live very individualize, the 30-year-old woman often look and twenties, beautiful, the only difference is a 30-year-old woman more woman flavour, like a rose as mature flavor. The woman was forty years old, sweet flowers with orchid, elegant, don't feel a 40-year-old woman was old, I can see many forties of beauty, living very delicate, but not that bright red big green ZhangYangZhi beauty, like the light orchid, beauty, a 40-year-old woman should have such orchids temperament.

The woman is fifty years old, atmospheric self-publicity. Peony Old old, I think a 50-year-old woman should make public, this time not to live to live, is the man to his age, the public's point.

The woman is sixty years old, warm comfortable cotton, woman at sixty, warm and comfortable is the most popular.

My editors zhang MSN signature is "live in the present," this sentence when I first saw especially liked, this sentence for all women are



appropriate, besides simple point is to live in today, not discouraged not stray, vigorous, this is a kind of attitude to life, women's life attitude is to cultivate, if you don't mind, as such, from this march sweetness these four words "live in the present." The woman this lifetime is different.

Business is beautiful and elegant fragrance pubi come lilies, for all the people bring enjoyment.

When perhaps only bland dog tail flowers, each concern, but persistent growth in the vast grassland.

Is lovelorn the dandelion, petals, all away with a empty stems, sadly flickering in the wind.

There is life in adversity, but my sister sisters please remember, you are a woman, you are, no matter what, to bring the people enjoy is the most important.

Wish all the sisters festival happiness!


