wonder的同义词意思是什么 wonder表奇妙的; 钦佩的意思,那么你知道wonder的同义词有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了wonder的同义词及相关英语知识,希望对你有帮助哦! wonder的同义词辨析 marvel, miracle, wonder, phenomenon 这些名词均含"奇迹"之意。 marvel : 侧重异乎寻常,奇怪,从而使人好奇。 miracle : 一般指被认为是人力所办不到的奇异之事。 wonder : 通常指使人惊奇的事迹、人物或景观,主要指人创造的奇迹。 phenomenon : 指罕见的现象或奇人、奇事。 wonder的词组习语 I shouldn't wonder 1. (非正式)我觉得不足为奇 no (或little, small) wonder 1. 并不奇怪;不足为奇;十分正常 传真机如此受欢迎并不奇怪。 &B{it is little wonder that} the fax machine is so popular. nine days' (或seven-day, one-day) wonder 1. 轰动一时的东西(但很快就会被忘记) wonders will never cease 1. [用于看到令人高兴的东西时发出的感叹]永远都有奇迹 work (或do) wonders 1. 创奇迹;产生奇妙的作用 一夜好眠对身心都能产生奇妙的作用。 a good night's sleep can work wonders for mind and body. for a wonder 1. 作为惊奇的原因;惊奇地 wonder的例句 1. I wonder if I might have a word with Mr Abbot? 请问我能否和阿博特先生说几句话? 2. Some supernova researchers wondered if it might be just a nine-day wonder. 有些超新星研究者怀疑,这可能只是昙花一现。 3. Did you ever wonder how the top supermodels manage to look stunning? 难道你就没有想过那些超级名模是如何做到外表如此惊艳的吗? 4. Under such circumstances, it is little wonder that they experience difficulties. 在这种情形下,他们遇到困难就不足为怪了。 5. I wonder if there's any fizz left in the lemonade. 我琢磨着柠檬汁里不知道还有没有嘶嘶作响的气泡. 6. It makes you wonder about the effect on men's behaviour. 这让人怀疑其对男性行为的影响。 7. It's a wonder that it took almost ten years. 这差不多用了10年的时间,真是桩奇事。 8. Small wonder that he decided to take no part in the debate. 难怪他决定不参加辩论呢。 9. Dr Williams describes it as a potential wonder drug. 威廉斯医生称其可能会成为特效药。 10. I just wonder what you make of all that. 我只是纳闷儿你是怎么看待这一切的。 11. I wonder if you'd be kind enough to call him. 请你给他打个电话好吗? 12. The East Window is a wonder of medieval glazing. 东窗是中世纪玻璃安装工艺的奇迹。 13. I was expressing some amazement and wonder at her good fortune. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/582d080613a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c7b4.html