
时间:2022-12-17 05:05:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载





630到了,我也越来越生气了,“叮咚——”爸爸在按门铃了,我皱起了眉头来,开了门,就又回到房间里做起了只要来。 时间过得很快,爸爸的饭就煮好了。

爸爸叫了叫我:“毛馗来吃饭了作业等一下再做。” “我才不吃饭呢,谁叫你那么晚才回家呢。”我气愤地说着。

“你到底要不要吃饭呢,我这么晚回家还不是为了你啊,不然你每天的饭菜,衣服……哪里来的钱买啊!你也太不像话了,快快出来吃饭啊!” “我说过过了,我不吃就是不吃,别烦我。”

这时爸爸发火了,到了阁楼上拿下了一根大棍子,吓得我双腿一直飞快地抖动着。 爸爸对我大声地说:“快去吃饭,不然我今天就打死你!” 我吓得只好无奈地到了餐桌上吃起了晚饭来。



Home very late tonight, dad, the day slowly becomes dark, the fragrance of osmanthus flowers also disappeared without a trace, the stars are winking bright big eyes, slowly breeze caressed my cheeks, bustling street people mountain people sea, aunt some are dancing in the square, look, the children

are learning to aunts crept up the beautiful square dance, let the street is full of vitality.

So late dad so also didn't come home so late, my homework is almost ready. I angry nasty, in my heart silently thinking: hum! Dad you how don't go home so late, I don't eat tonight, to grieve you!

At 6:30, I become more and more angry, "ding dong," my father in the ring the bell, I frowned, and opened the door, just start as long as to returned to the room.

Time flies, father of the rice is cooked.

Dad called me: "MAO Kui to dinner wait to do the homework." "I don't eat, who call you didn't go home so late?" I said angrily.

"What do you want to eat, I go home so late is not to you, otherwise you meal every day, where come of money to buy clothes...! You also too outrageous, come out to dinner!"

"Said I had, I just don't eat, don't bother me."

Father was angry at this moment, had a big stick to the attic, frighten my legs always shake out quickly.

Father loudly said to me: "go to dinner, or I will kill you today!" Reluctantly, I scared to the table to eat up the dinner.

At this moment, I suddenly found that dad's black hair for a few more silk silver hair, my nose become sour, tears in her eyes turned on. Is this deep love?

today i was at the shopping mall and i spent a lot of time reading the father’s day cards. they all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how i feel about you. yet as i selected and read, and

selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what i really want to say to you.

you’ll soon be 84 years old, dad, and you and i will have had 55

father’s days together. i haven’t always been with you on father’s day nor have i been with you for all of your birthdays. it wasn’t because i didn’t
