美好的早晨 The Beautiful Morning_英语作文

时间:2023-04-30 21:07:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
美好的早晨 The Beautiful Morning

Today is Sunday. Early in the morning, I get up and then go out of the house with my grandma. She walks to the square and then dances with her partner. I just watch them and then learn to dance. I feel so happy to do some exercises in the morning. I breath the fresh air. It is such a beautiful morning for me. 今天是星期天。早上,我起床后就和奶奶出去走走。她走到广场后就与她的伙伴们跳舞。我在一旁看着他们,顺便学习跳舞。我很高兴能够在早上做一些锻炼。我也呼吸到新鲜的空气。这对我来说是一个美好的早晨。

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