1、饭后的列车已经开启,在外要照顾好自己。 The train has been opened,Take care of yourself outside. 2、饭后转头离开故乡,再见又需一年时长。 Turned to leave my hometown, and it will take another year to meet again. 3、饭后收拾行囊,离家上班,希望今年的收获配得上这一路的颠沛流离。 Pack up, leave home to work, I hope this year's harvest is worthy of this journey. 4、短短几天,饭后又要离开故乡,这时才明白“长大后,故乡只有冬,再无春夏秋”的意思。 In these short days, I had to leave my hometown again, and then I realized the meaning of "when I grow up, there will be only winter in my hometown and no autumn in Jessie Li". 5、回家前的期待,回家后的无聊,离家时的不舍,离家后的思念。 The expectation before going home, the boredom after going home, the reluctance when leaving home, the missing after leaving home. 6、选择饭后背井离乡,只盼来日衣锦还乡。 Choose to leave your hometown, only hope to return to your hometown gloriously in the future. 7、一眨眼春节就过完了,又要收拾行囊踏上离家打工返程的日子,究竟什么样的终点,才配得上这一路的颠沛流离。 In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is over, and we have to pack up our bags and set foot on the day of returning from home to work. What kind of end is worthy of this journey. 8、有工作的地方没有家,吃过饭就说再见,再见了我的家,再回来就是新年快乐。 There is a place to work, but no home. Goodbye to my home, and then come back is a happy New Year. 9、生活带着理想跑路,它劝我早日暴富。 Life runs away with ideals, which advise me to get rich as soon as possible. 10、又是一年离别时,有家的地方没有工作,有工作的地方没有家,他乡容纳不了灵魂,家乡安置不了肉身。 Another year of parting, where there is a home, there is no job, where there is a job, there is no home, the soul cannot be accommodated in other places, and the body cannot be placed in hometown. 11、饭后,就是明年见了,努力让新年愿望成真,加油! Once the charger is pulled out, we can't see each other again until next year. Try to make New Year's wishes come true. Come on! 12、车门一关,再回来又是新年快乐。 It's a happy new year to come back once the door is closed. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/598c72a1f221dd36a32d7375a417866fb84ac096.html