犯罪心理第七季名人名言 •The past cannot be cured-----Queen Elizabeth I 遗伤难愈-------伊莉莎白一世 •If it is a miracle,any sort of evidence will answer But if it is a fact,proof is necessary-----Mark Twain 若为奇迹,一切证据皆可为之,若为事实,则必证明之。 •Noting inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.-----Scott Adams 复仇最能激发宽恕。----斯科特•亚当斯 •Men are not prisoners of fate,but prisoners of their own minds.---Franklin D Roosevelt 人不是命运的囚徒,而是受到心灵的禁锢----富兰克林•罗斯福 •We're born alone,we live alone,we die alone.Only through our love and friendship,can we create the illusion for a moment.That we are not alone-----Orson Wellers 我们一个人来,一个人活,一个人死。只有我们的爱人和朋友,让我们暂时觉得,我们不是一个人。-----奥尔森•威尔斯 •You may leave school,but it never leaves you.-----Andy Partridge 就算你离开了学校,也永远不会忘怀 ------安迪•帕特杰(马耳他歌手 词作家) •Pain is the breaking of the shell,the encloses your understanding.----Kahlil Gibran 疼痛是一种破茧而出的领悟。----卡里•纪伯伦(黎巴嫩著名作家,诗人,哲学家,艺术家,) ·From childhood is hour I have not been as others were,I have not seen as others saw.----Edgar Allan Poe 童年时起,我便与别的孩子不同,我看不到他们看到的世界。-----埃德加·艾伦·坡(美国作家 诗人) ·All things truly wicked,start from an innocence.-----Ernest Hemingway 所有的邪恶,都从纯真开始-----欧内斯特·海明威 •The thing of death,like the ending of a story,gives a changed meaning to what preceded it.-----Mary Cath Bateson 死亡的时刻如同故事的结尾,给予前面的人生一个不同的意义。-----玛丽•凯瑟琳•贝特森(美国作家,文化考古学家) •To die is poignantly bitter,but the idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable.------Erich Fromm 死亡是辛酸的痛苦,但是还未到真正生存即死亡是无法令人接受的。-----埃里克•弗洛姆 (美国心理学家) •For the man sound of body and serene of mind,there is no such thing as bad as weather..Every day has its beauty,,and storms which whip the blood,do but make it pulse more vigorously.-----George Gissing 身心若是平静安然,就无谓天气好坏,每天都是美好,激发血性的暴风,只会使脉搏跳得更猛烈。--------乔治•吉辛(英国小说家,散文家,著有《四季随笔》) •Adversity is like a strong wind.It tears from us but the things that cannot be torn.so that we see ourselves as we really are.------Arthur Goiden 逆境如强风,扯去我们的外衣却扯不走内心,所以我们才能看见真正的自己。-----亚瑟•高登(《艺妓回忆录》作者) •Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.-------George lies 希望是黑暗中不灭的希望。------乔治•莱尔斯(著名演员) •We are each on our journey,each of us are on our very own adventure.Encountering all kind of challenges,and the choice we make on the adventure,we shape us as we go.Those choice will stretch us and test us and push us to our limit and our adventure,Than we ever knew we could be.--------Ioseph Campbell 我们每个人都在自己的旅途上,经历着自己的冒险。在冒险中,我们遭遇各种各样的挑战,面临着各种各样的选择。我们就这么成长。这些选择充实我们,考验我们,逼迫我们,而我们的冒险,让我们变得比任何时候都更加坚强。--------约瑟夫•安贝尔(作家) •A gambler with a system,must be to a greater or lesser extent insane.-----George Augustus Sala 相信规律的赌徒,肯定或多或少是个疯子。-----乔治·奥古斯都·萨拉 •At the gambling table,there are no father and sons.-------A chinese proverb 赌博的人六亲不认-----中国谚语 •You may be deceived if you trust too much.But you will live in torment if you don no trust enough.------Frank Crane 如果你过于信任,可能会被欺骗,但如果你缺乏信任,则会被痛苦折磨。----弗兰克·克莱恩 ·For trust not him that hath once broken faith.-------William Shakespeare 但凡不守信者,恒不为人所信-----威廉·莎士比亚 ·We do not suffer from the shock of our trauma but we make out of it just what suits our purpose.----Alfred Adler 我们并不是因过去的创伤而痛苦,我们只是按自己的目的去应付。-------阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒 ·All the art of the living lies in a line mingling of letting go and holding on-----Henry Ellis 生活的一切精妙之处,都定格在坚持和放手的瞬间-----亨利·艾力斯 ·There can keep a secret if two one dead.----Benjamin Franklin 要三人保守一个秘密,只有当两人中死掉。-------本杰明··富兰克林 ·There is no greater sorrow that to recall in misery the time when we were happy. 最悲伤的是莫过于在痛苦中回忆往昔的快乐。 Everybody wants to go heaven,but nobody wants to die.------Joe Louis 每个人都想进天堂,却没有人想死。乔·路易斯 ·Some of us think holding on makes us strong,but sometimes it is letting go.Herman Hesse 有人觉得坚持才是坚强,但有时放手才是坚强 赫尔曼·黑塞 ·Thing do not change. We change.-----Henry David Thorean 世事未变人已变。-----亨利·戴维·梭罗 ·Beware,so long as you live,of judging men by their outward appearane.------Jean de la Fontaine 在生活中,千万别以貌取人。------让·德拉·封丹(法国作家 诗人) ·Equality may perhaps be a right ,but no power on earth cab ever turn it into a fact.-------Honore de Balzac 平等或许是人的权利,但没有人能够将它变为现实-------巴尔扎克 ·I am for truth,no matter who tells it,I am for justice,no matter who it is for or against.--------Malcolm X 我追求真理,不管出自谁之口。我追求正义。不管是支持或反对。---------马尔科姆(美国黑人民族领袖) ·Where there is anger,there is always pain underearth.-------Eckhart Tolle 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5ba39005b4daa58da0114aae.html