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自由的英语单词1 free

[fri:] [fri] 自由的英语单词2 freedom

[ˈfri:dəm] [ˈfridəm] 自由的英语单词3 liberty

[ˈlibəti] [ˈlɪbəti] 自由相关英语表达: 自由女神 Statue of Liberty 自由钟 Liberty Bell

宗教自由 freedom of religion 经济自由 economic freedom 自由选择 Free to Choose 自由的英语单词例句: 我们的要求的核心是言论自由。

The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 自由是我们与生俱来的权利 Freedom is our birthright. 他们只是在行使他们的言论自由权。

They are merely exercising their right to free speech. 他也是自由贸易杰出的倡导宣传者。

He was also a brilliant propagandist for free trade. 她生了孩子后决定做一个自由职业者。

She had a baby and decided to go freelance. 50多年来第一次完全自由的选举

The first fully free elections for more than fifty years 我们的经济被称作自由市场经济。

Our economy is referred to as a free market. 这个奴隶从未体验过自由的快乐。

The slave has never experienced the sweetness of freedom. 囚犯们企图和看守做换取自由的交易。

The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.


The patriots fought under the banner of freedom. 自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活方式。 Free will makes us able to choose our way of life. 工业自由、商业自由灭亡以后,言论自由也就长不了。

Free speech does not live many hours after free industry and free commerce die.


The tyrant claims freedom to kill freedomyet to keep it for himself.


The tyrant claims freedom to kill freedom and yet to keep it for himself.


The relief was indescribable. It was freedom after years of slavery. A great weight lifted from me.


Consultants and freelancers interviewed for this article set
