
时间:2023-05-10 15:09:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
1、朋友祝福送给你,愿你生活乐无边,工作顺意好运连! a friend wishes you a happy life. 2、祝您的事业蒸蒸日上,人生前途无量。 i wish you every success in your career. 3、祝您身体健康万事如意,家庭美满。

i wish you good health, good luck and a happy family. 4、愿我们合作双赢,走上事业的顶峰!

we hope that we can win a win-win situation and go to the top of our business. 5愿我们合作起来流连忘返,开展起来前景可观,相互携手走向明天,我的祝福就在眼前!

may we work together and forget to return, and have a promising future for development. let's go to tomorrow hand in hand. my best wishes are in sight. 6、祝你事业蒸蒸日上,家庭幸福和睦,快乐每一天。

i wish you every success in your career, happiness and harmony in your family. 7、合作需要真诚,真诚才能双赢。

cooperation requires sincerity and sincerity in order to win. 8、祝福我的伙伴,事业总是春去春会来,信心总让幸福花再开。

bless my partner. business always comes from spring to spring. confidence always lets happy flowers bloom again.


on the road of life, i choose to work hand in hand with you. 10、祝福你商途一帆风顺,愿我们的情意越来越铁!

i wish you every success in your business. may our affection grow stronger and stronger.


dear customers, happiness is coming to you. please pay attention to it. 12、祝你生意兴隆无烦恼,万事如意顺顺顺! i wish you every success in your business. 13、朋友,一路有你真好,唯愿你幸福,天天开心!

my friend, it's good to have you all the way. i wish you happiness and happiness



friends need true feelings, true feelings only come true. 15、愿我们一路高歌走来,立于不败的明天!

may we go all the way to the undefeated tomorrow. 16、感谢事业路上有你的帮助,最真挚的祝福送给你。

thank you for your help on the way to business. best wishes to you. 17、亲爱的朋友,愿你工作顺利,句子大全身体健康,万事桔祥。

my dear friend, i wish you success in your work, good health and good luck. 18、炎炎夏日,送来清凉又温馨的静心祝福,愿你开心过好每一天!

on the hot summer day, i send you a cool, warm and peaceful blessing. may you enjoy every day!

19、祝君发财,幸福常在。 i wish you wealth and happiness.


i would like to work with you to move towards the peak of my career. 21、朋友,在人生的道路上,我们一起携手并肩,共同努力,一起加油!

friends, on the road of life, we work hand in hand shoulder to shoulder, work together and cheer together!
