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rotate, revolve, roll, spin, turn, whirl, circle turn同义词辨析:


rotate 侧重指物体围绕自己的轴或中心旋转,即自转。 revolve 强调指物体围绕本身以外的中心旋转,即公转。 roll 指某物在平面上滚动或翻滚。

spin 指沿内轴迅速而连续旋转,或沿外部一个点作快速圆周运转。 turn 普通用词,中性,含义不确切,可指作一个圆周运动或连续地作圆周运动,也可指仅是沿圆的弧形转动。

whirl 指旋转或作圆周运动,侧重急速或力量。 circle 指作圆周运动。 turn的例句:

1. For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?

我们活着是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄,再反过来笑他们。 2. He said they should turn their fire on the Conservative Party instead.

他说他们应该掉转枪口,向保守党开火。 3. Today I might hesitate to turn in a burglar. 现在让我把入室窃贼送交警方,我可能会有所顾虑。

4. Sometimes things don't turn out the way we think they're going to.


5. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east. 河流转向东流时河道大幅度变宽。

6. I feel certain that it will all turn out well. 我觉得最后肯定会皆大欢喜。

7. The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.

政府部门如今已经签署了那项法案,没有挽回的余地。 8. Bill would turn up the TV in the other room. 比尔会把另一个房间里的电视声音开大。

9. Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.

父母可以设定这台机器的程序,使它在特定时间段无法开启。 10. The government have not been able to turn today'sdemonstration to their advantage.


11. No matter how often they turn up, their welcome never wears out.

不管他们多久露面一次,都永远那么受欢迎。 12. The light's a bit too harsh. You can turn it off. 灯光有点太刺眼了。你可以把灯关掉。

13. Their four children turn cartwheels in the grass as we talk. 我们说话的时候,他们家的4个孩子在草地上玩侧手翻。 14. Her condition took a sharp turn for the worse. 她的病情突然急剧恶化。

15. The turn is about two kilometres before the roundabout. 拐弯就在环岛前面约2公里处。
