经济管理类顶级期刊 (一)经济类 经济学: 美国经济评论(American Economic Review,AER) 经济学季刊(Quarterly Journal of Economics,QJE) 政治经济学期刊(Journal of Political Economy,JPE) 计量期刊(Econometrica) 金融学: 金融经济学期刊(Journal of Financial Economics,JFE) 金融期刊(Journal of Finance,JF) 金融研究评论(Review of Financial Studies,RES) 会计学: 会计经济期刊(Journal of Accounting and Economics,JAE) 会计研究期刊(Journal of Accounting Research,JAR) 会计评论(Accounting Review,AR) (二)管理类 管理学TOP JOURNAL Academy of Management Journal:AMJ Academy of Management Review:AMR Administrative Science Quarterly:ASQ Strategic Management Journal:SMJ Management Science Organization Science Journal of Applied Psychology:JAP Journal of Management Journal of International Business Studies: JIBS 其他一些网站: 有益的网站: 哈佛商业评论 www.hbrchina.com 沃顿知识在线 www.knowledgeatwharton.com.cn 经济观察报网站www.eeo.com.cn 管理类顶级期刊分类导航 综合性的期刊: Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Administrative Science Quarterly Journal of Management Studies Management Science 战略管理: Strategic Management Journal 组织理论: Organization Science American Journal of Sociology American Sociological Review 组织行为和人力资源管理: Industrial Relations Industrial and Labor Relations Review Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Personnel Psychology Human Relations Journal of Vocational Behavior Journal of Applied Psychology Journal of Organizational Behavior Research in Organizational Behavior 营销 : Journal of Consumer Psychology Journal of Consumer Research Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Retailing Marketing Science 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5f4e12cc05087632311212fe.html