幽静的近义词和反义词 一、【近义词和反义词】 近义词:寂静、清静、平静、恬静、宁静、沉静、安定、安静、僻静、静谧 反义词:喧闹、吵闹、热闹、喧嚣 二、【基本解释】 ◎ 幽静 yōujìng [sequestered;be quiet and secluded;peaceful] 清幽寂静 幽静的环境 三、【英文翻译】 1.quiet and secluded; peaceful 四、【短语造句】 1.感慨完毕大家会一起酩酊大醉,或是外出寻一处幽静古寺与爱人私会。 Then everyone would get drunk or wander off for a tryst in a secluded temple. 2.达赖其他的日常生活包括在一些幽静的房间里学习和祈。 His life otherwise was study and prayer, in dark rooms, with few visitors. 3.倘若有一个小小的休闲的幽静之地,可以到处观望并尽情地去思考,去心满意足地抒发情感该有多么好啊。 If only it is allowed a little leisurely solitude, and can look about and think to its heart's content, it will express its feelings to its own satisfaction. 4.和在充满灯光,噪音,烦闷的俱乐部跳舞比起来,这里气氛更加幽静融洽。 It was much more intimate than dancing in the club, where there are lights and noise and distraction. 5.池中的水通常很幽静,地震却摇晃水池、掀起波澜,这让喂食中的乌贼心烦意乱。 The water is normally very calm in the tank, but the earthquake caused the tank to shake and created waves, which distracted the cuttlefish during feeding. 五、【详细解释】 寂静;清静。 战国 楚 宋玉 《神女赋》:“既姽嫿於幽静兮,又婆娑乎人间。” 宋 苏舜钦 《上范希文书》:“况夫体幽静则谋精而威,气张则令烦而堕。”《红楼梦》第二三回:“我爱那几竿竹子,隐着一道曲栏,比别处幽静些。” 茅盾 《幻灭》十三:“她早已迫切地需要幽静恬美的生活,现在,梦想的生活,终于到了。” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/60079a3e5c0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d376ee1411.html