英语散文名家名篇赏析教程练习答案 l.B.. CCCA lL ParaPhra So 1·A Unite Wh0 is Parti CUlar about the exactness 0f an expression in English Will never feel happy With a World Which fails to express an idea accurately. 2· T0 a Certain extent, the Pr0Cess 0f finding the right WordS to Use is a Pr0ceSs ofPerfeCti0n Where you try to Search for that may most accurately express your thought sand feelings,and that may most effectively make your listeners and readers Under Stand your thoughts and feeling - 3·Finding the most Uitable WOrd to Use is in no Sense easy· But there is nothing like the delight We Shall experience When Such a is I0Cated - Once We are able to Use langulage accurately,We are in a Position to fully Under Stand the Subject matter - l lL Ch0icos l- 5 Unskillful, skillful, vague,tricky.accurate, 6-10: AlteratiOn ambiguous,conscientious, Want Of knowledge,drawbacksl1一15: developing. erroneous.trivial. dim, adaptable, 16-20: subtle. emotional, quintessence,CompuIsion,absorbing 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6100622293c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5dad7b4.html