
时间:2022-08-11 19:07:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.to be over the moon

to be over the moon”相当于“to be really, really happy意思是“非常非常高兴” 举例而言:

I passed my driving test last week and I was over the moon because I had to try two times.


2.to have a whale of a time

to have a whale of a time相当于 have a fantastic time 即“玩得开心” OK,让我们举个例子:

I went to a ball last week and I had a whale of a time. ball(大型正式的)舞会 的意思哦! 我上周参加了一个舞会,玩得很开心。 3.to be buzzing

to be buzzing”就是指“to be happy about something 例如:

I've just bought my favorite books and I am really buzzing我刚买了我最喜欢的书,真的超级开心。
