
时间:2024-03-21 13:32:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


I didn’t get to say goodbye to you all. They didn’t tell me when I would finish till the day before I finished. I thought we would have one more class together to say good bye.

Maybe it’s a good thing. I don’t like to say goodbye. I got to say goodbye to only 2 classes andI ending up crying because it was so sad to do. So, saying goodbye to every class would have been difficult for me. So maybe it was good not to saygood bye in person. I don’t like goodbyes. Anyway, it is not goodbye because we can be qq friends forever and

I made so many friends here at this university.

It is goodbye as your teacher though, because I amno longer your teacher. It is sad to say goodbye to Jianxi Science and Technology University. I told

you it was the best university in China. I think its true. I had the best time here and met manywonderful people..

I hope your exams went well and your future exams

too. It was a pleasure to meet and teach you all. It was

my first experience like this to teachand you were all wonderful students and people to meet and teach. I have learnt that even if I amthe teacher, you were all my teachers too.

Thank you for being great students and it was great to meet you all. I really wish you the best in your futures. I will be in Nanchang one more year and teaching freshman / first year students again but at Jianxi / Nanchang Teachers university in the city of Nanchang. I would love to stay at Jianxi Science and Technology University but I am a musician and I need to live in the city centre so I can play music more. This was too far away for me to live. I am going to go to Beijing for music but have to wait a year now and I prefer to be here in Nanchang again. I will sometimes come for a visit to our school and I hope I bump into some of you and have lunch with some of you sometimes. That will be great.

I am sending this letter to all my students on qq. I will miss you all. You can stay in touch with me. I will always be on qq.

I hope you learnt something from me and that your English improved a bit more. I saw how much better and confident yo
