度米作文汇编之节约粮食的英语作文范文:节约粮食从我做起[1] 在日常生活中,随处可以见到浪费粮食的现象。也许你并未意识到自己在浪费,也许你认为浪费这一点点算不了什么,也许你仍然以为我们的祖国地大物博。然而事实是:我国人口己超过12.5亿,每年的净增长是1200万人;人均耕地面积1.2亩,是世界人均值的1/4;目前耕地面积正以每年30多万亩的速度递;全国40%的城市人口消耗的粮食依靠进口。从1981-1995年间,全国共减少了耕地8100万亩,因此而减少粮食生产500亿斤。而且现在这个减少速度仍然在不断加快。乱占耕地、挖沙、土地质量下降、荒漠化等种种现象在蚕食着耕地。现实绝对不容乐观!!节约粮食,是我们每个公民应尽的义务,而不是说你的生活好了,你浪费得起就可以浪费。浪费是一种可耻的行为。只要存有节约的意识,其实做起来很简单:吃饭时吃多少盛多少,不扔剩饭菜;在餐馆用餐时点菜要适量,而不应该摆阔气,乱点一气。记住:节约粮食从我做起。 in the daily life, everywhere can see the waste of food. you may not realize himself in the waste, you might think that this little waste nothing, perhaps you still think that our country vast territory and abundant resources. but the fact is: our country has a population of more than 1250000000, the annual net growth is 12000000; the per capita arable land area of 1.2 acres, is 1 / 4 of the world average; the area of cultivated land is an annual rate of about 300000 mu recursive; 40% national city population consumes food rely on imports. from the 19811995 years, a total of 81000000 acres of arable land is reduced, thus reducing the grain production of 50000000000 pounds. and now this reduce speed. occupation of farmland, sand, soil degradation, desertification and other phenomena in encroached on the land. the reality is not optimistic!! saves the grain, is our bounden duty of every citizen, not that your life is good, you can afford to waste waste. waste is a shameful act. so long as has the frugal consciousness, actually very simple to do: eat how much to eat much, don't throw the leftovers; in the restaurant to order to right amount, and should not be put on the dog, chaotic spot gas. remember: save grain begin from me. 1986年的第五次世界粮食调查的结果是:112个发展中国家(中国等社会主义国家除外)1979-1981年有3.35-4.49亿人口处于营养不良状态。联合国人口活动基金组织80年代初宣称,当时世界谷物产量可以养活60亿人口。但就在同一时期,全世界人口只有45亿左右,可是却有4.5亿人挨饿。1995年,世界人口增长到57亿,挨饿人口数字增加到10亿。1972年,由于连续两年气候异常造成的世界性粮食歉收,加上前苏联大量抢购谷物,出现了世界性粮食危机,联合国粮食及农业组织于1973年和1974年,相继召开了第一次和第二次粮食会议,以唤起世界、特别是第三世界注意粮食及农业生产问题。但是,问题并没有 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/627c45905ff7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79a89693f.html