题目:A word that changed the world 正文:In terms of economic or technological development in the era of rapid, we live in a world growing at incredible speed change. And I think, to change the world this word is "change" (change). I remember the words, "the world will change everything, the only constant is" change "itself." Yes, please do not be surprised to say to me, is a variety, endless changes in the composition of our strange world. Whether it is human evolution, or history of change, "change" is always with us inseparable, are closely related. Change the world itself changes from the first. Humans from apes started, and now a highly ideological man, its origin is the human out of the grass plains forests and trees to the process. After the transformation of human beings and the environment through their own development, to establish its own unique set of social order and conduct. And in our current living environment is still constantly undergoing change, we must change their pace to keep up with changes in the world and the world of human progress and improve their own self-examination process. Small to large, from naive to mature, to learn from the knowledge of their own view of the world, people's self all the time changing. It is this change in the world to promote change and progress, and promote the history of the progress and development. In the course of history, the name of the people to change themselves through success stories are common. Shakespeare had only meant to help people look after horses, working odd jobs just in the theater, but he did not because of bad times and the blame on others, but a theater begins with a free hole in the door and peek performance on the stage, With the dedication of his "steal" the spirit, to change their situation, and finally make themselves known. So I say, change the world, is "change." There is a change only changes, there is a change, there is progress, there are only leap in progress, we now have the world. World without change, no change in the world is dead, there is no life. Time in a changing world full of challenges, and I'm ready to meet it. Change themselves, but also to change the world. That's all. Thank you 改变世界的一个单词(这题目是学校出的) 正文: 在这个无论是经济还是科技都在飞速发展的时代,我们所生活的世界正在以不可思议的速度改变。 而我认为,改变世界的这个单词,正是“改变”(change)。 我记得有这样一句话,“世界上所有的东西都会改变,唯一不变的正是“改变”本身。”是的,请不要对我的说法感到奇怪,正是各种各样、无穷无尽的变化组成了我们这个奇异的世界。不管是人类的进化,还是历史的变迁,“改变”总是与我们形影不离、息息相关。 世界的改变首先源于自身的改变。人类从猿猴开始,到现在具有高度意识形态的人类,其起源正是人类脱离森林和树木走向平原草地的过程。之后人类通过对环境的改造和对自身的发展,建立起了自己独有的一套社会秩序和行为准则。而我们现在的生活的环境仍然在不断地发生着改变,我们必须通过改变自己来跟上世界变化的脚步而世界的进步是人类对自身的反省然后改进自己的过程。从小到大,从幼稚到成熟,从一无所知到学会用自己的眼光看待世界,人的自身无时无刻不在发生着改变。正是这种改变推动了世界的改变和进步,推动了历史的前进和发展。 在历史的长河中,名人们通过改变自己而取得成功的例子屡见不鲜。莎士比亚原来只不过是替人看管马匹的,剧院中的打杂工而已,但他不因身处逆境而怨天尤人,而是一有空闲便从剧院的门缝和小孔里偷看戏台上的演出,他凭着这种执着的“偷学”精神,改变了自己的处境,终于使自己闻名于世。 所以我说,改变世界的,正是“改变”。有改变才有变化,有变化才有进步,有进步才有飞跃,才有我们现在的世界。世界离不开变化,没有变化的世界是死气沉沉的,没有生机的。时刻在变化的世界充满了挑战,而我已经做好准备迎接它。 改变自己,也改变世界。 That's all. Thank you. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6319862a453610661ed9f445.html