吃面条的英文单词 你知道吃面条的英文单词是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。 吃面条的英文单词释义: eat the noodles have some noodles Eating noodles 吃面条的英文单词例句: 他真的非常喜欢吃面条。 He does like to eat noodles. 我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。 I would rather have noodles than rice. 她说:“我们吃面条和椰菜,”廉姆补充说:“还有春卷。” “We got noodles and broccoli,” she said. “And an egg roll,” Liam added. www.america.gov 许多人宁愿呆在旅店吃面条。 Many stay in suburban hotels and eat noodles. 我们只吃面条和馒头。 We just eat noodles or buns. 这门课程由罗耀拉大学开设,阐释了吃的行为与上帝之间不可否认的联系,包括让学生从宗教的角度,认真思考使用餐叉与吃面条的关系。 It explains how there is an undeniable link between the act of eating and God. The religious angle to picking up a fork and eating some noodles is given seriousthought. 我也喜欢吃面条。 And I like noodles. 现在,我最喜欢吃面条。 Now I like noodles best! 我不能连续一个星期不吃面条 。 I cannot live one week without noodles. 在星期一我们吃面条。在星期一我喜欢面条。 On Monday we have noodles. I like noodles and Monday. 然而,为了打破吃面条会让他们带来坏运气,因此,如果您要用面来庆祝你的成功,那么一定要完整的把它吃完而不能把它咬断! However, breaking the noodles while eating them is bad luck, so if you’re makingthem for your celebration, be sure to slurp them up instead of biting off smaller pieces. 他们在樱桃树下拍照,欢快如同旋转木马上的孩子;他们在街角吃面条,津津有味。 They took touristy pictures under cherry trees, frolicked like children on merry-go-rounds and slurped noodles on street corners. 我喜欢吃面条,简直到了疯狂的地步。 I love noodles, I go crazy with noodles. 很多人一天至少吃一次荞麦面条,还有很多公司工作的人习惯了午饭吃面条。 There are some people that eat soba at least once a day. Many office workersmake it a habit to have soba for lunch. 你喜欢吃面条吗? Do you like noodles? 我吃面条、牛肉和西红柿。 I have noodles, beef and tomatoes. 意大利细长面条:我曾很难让我的孩子去吃面条式调味汁,直到我用一个大的肉丸使他们惊喜不已才解决了这个问题。 SPAGHETTI: I had trouble getting my kids to eat spaghetti sauce until I surprisedthem with a giant meatball. 有时候如果吃面条的话他们用筷子。 Sometimes they use chopsticks if they have noodles. 伺候者:没有。我们有卷心菜和羊肉。我们吃面条在星期四。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/66ab1437f9d6195f312b3169a45177232f60e4d8.html