家庭规则英语20条 1.互相尊重隐私。Respect each other's privacy. 2.自己用完后要收拾干净。Clean up after yourself. 3.不要大声喊叫。No yelling or shouting. 4.要有礼貌,使用好的行为举止。Be polite and use good manners. 5.把东西放回原处。Put things back where you found them. 6.不要打人或施暴。No hitting or physical violence. 7.室内使用室内音量,避免过度噪音。Use indoor voices and avoid excessive noise. 8.遵守睡前和早晨的常规。Follow bedtime and morning routine. 9.卧室内不允许食物或饮料。No food or drinks in bedrooms. 10.分担家务和责任。Share household chores and responsibilities. 11.要诚实,说实话。Be honest and tell the truth. 12.不要欺凌或取笑他人。No bullying or teasing. 13.使用他人物品前要征得许可。Ask for permission before using someone else's belongings. 第 1 页 14.负责地和适度使用电子设备。Use electronic devices responsibly and in moderation. 15.不要使用不尊重的语言或脏话。No disrespectful language or swearing. 16.对待来访的客人要友善和热情。Treat guests with kindness and hospitality. 17.保持公共区域干净整洁。Keep common areas clean and tidy. 18.家庭活动和事件要准时参加。Be on time for family activities and events. 19.和平、尊重地解决冲突。Resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully. 20.表达感激之情,说“请”和“谢谢”。Show appreciation and say "please" and "thank you." 这些规则可以作为指导方针,在家庭中营造和谐尊重的环境。根据您家庭的具体需求和价值观进行调整和修改。 第 2 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/687d3a7fb91aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a86c28b4a.html