
时间:2022-03-19 17:23:46 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A good book is the essence of human thought. People need to constantly absorbing nutrition from the book, enrich their minds, enhance their own quality, to adapt to The Times of demand is higher and higher. Therefore, we should according to their own requirements in a wide range of Chinese and foreign classics, select and read them. Read classics, it is an effective way to improve writing ability. The ancients cloud: "read volumes, such as writing god!" This is the irrefutable truth.

Psychological depiction of the characters in the classics, vivid portrayal of the scene, things, and control the power of the word, writers for every reader, is a precious wealth, can enjoy many times. Middle school students' age is small, the contact time of literature is so short, with only a dozen years of life experience to have a high level of writing its difficulty cans be imagined. And reading the classics is middle school students to obtain the most direct, the most convenient way of writing skills. Classics is a microcosm of the society. From which we can from different angles to understand the middle

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school students are not familiar with the diversification of society. Through reading classics, appreciate classics, we can see that the forms of characters, they already exist in the world, and does not exist in the world, they mean or generosity, or good or ugly, sinister or innocent, beautiful or ugly, or ShaFuJiPin or vicious brutality, or believe in the truth or vulgar depravity, or diligence simple or money, or loyalty patriotism or turn traitor for personal gain, or noble is wise or ridiculous, or... Bigotry, the fickleness of the world, all in the classics. 好书是人类思想的精华。人们需要从书中不断地汲取营养,充实自己的头脑,提高自己的素质,以适应这个要求越来越高的时代。因此,我们应从广泛的中外名著中根据自己的需求,选取并阅读它们。



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解这个于中学生来说尚不熟悉的多元化社会。通过阅读名著、赏名著,我们可以看到形态各异的人物,他们既存在于世界中,又不存在于世界中,他们或吝啬或慷慨,或善良或丑恶,或天真美丽或阴险丑陋,或杀富济贫或凶狠残暴,或崇尚真理或庸俗堕落,或勤奋朴素或挥金如土,或精忠报国或卖国求荣,或高尚明智或荒诞不经,或......人间百态、世态炎凉,尽在名著中。 推荐阅读:有关元旦英语日记:元旦Happy大一英语日记三篇万圣节计划英语作文态度与幸福(英语作文)小学三年级英语作文:春游小学四年级英语作文my mother

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