
时间:2022-09-26 03:06:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

the meaning of life is to live fully, not to live long. 2、我们从绝望的大山中砍出一块希望的石头。

we cut a stone of hope from the mountain of despair.


darkness cannot dispel darkness, only light can do it; hatred cannot dispel hatred, only love can do it.


the greatest tragedy is not the arrogance of bad people, but the silence of good people.

5、我们这一代终将悔恨,不是因为坏人的可憎言行,更是因为好人的沉默。 our generation will regret, not because of the hateful words and deeds of bad people, but because of the silence of good people.


we can accept disappointment, because disappointment is limited; but never refuse hope, because hope is infinite. 7、生命的意义在于活得充实,而非长久。

the meaning of life is to live fuller, not longer.

8、不是我很喜欢屡次强调黑人的权利,而是很有必要,我才这么做。 it's not that i like to emphasize the rights of blacks many times, but that it's necessary for me to do so.


when we see the truth without saying a word, it is the day we go to death.


faith is taking the first step when you can't see the whole staircase. 11、有信心地踏出第一步,你不需要看到整个楼梯,只要踏出第一步就好。 take the first step confidently. you don't need to see the whole


staircase. just take the first step. 12、要知道,终有一天,我们会是自由的。 you know, one day, we will be free.


we must accept disappointment because it is limited, but we must not lose hope because it is infinite.


in the end, what we remember is not the words of the enemy, but the silence of our friends.


if i can't do big things, i can at least do small things with a little air.


the greatest sorrow in the period of world transformation is not the noise of bad people, but the silence of good people. 17、假如你的梦想还站着的话,那么没有人能使你倒下。

if your dream is still standing, no one can make you fall. 18、假如你不能飞,那就奔跑;假如跑不动,就走路;实在不能走,就用爬的。无论如何,你得不断前进。

if you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, climb. anyway, you have to keep moving forward.


nothing in the world is more dangerous than real ignorance and pretended stupidity.

20、社会转型期最大的悲哀不是坏人的过分猖獗。而是好人的过分沉默。 the greatest sorrow in the period of social transformation is not the excessive rampancy of bad people. it's the excessive silence of good people.



the greatest sorrow is not the arrogance of bad people, but the excessive silence of good people.

22、这个世界上,没有人可以使你倒下,假如你自己的信念还站立着的话。 no one in the world can make you fall if your own beliefs are still standing.


every opportunity is a good time to do the right thing.


history will record that in this period of social transformation, the greatest tragedy is not the arrogance of bad people, but the excessive silence of good people.


everyone needs to choose whether to walk in the light of creative altruism or in the dark of destructive selfishness. 26、忍受不应得的痛苦是一种赎罪。

it is a kind of atonement to endure unjust pain.

