- zh张ānɡmí明nɡm敏ǐn - 我的中国心--张明敏 My Chinese heart - ZhangMingMin 河山只在我梦萦 People only in my dream entangles 祖国已多年未清静 Motherland already years not quiet 可是不管怎样也改变不了 But no matter what won't change 我的中国心My Chinese heart 洋装虽然穿在身 Dress although wear calls 我心依然是中国心 My heart is still Chinese heart 我的祖先早已把我的一切 My ancestors have had everything to me 烙上中国印 Branded with Chinese seal 长江长城 The Yangtze river wall 黄山黄河 Huangshan Yellow River 在我胸中重千斤 In my chest heavy hoisting jack 无论何时无论何地 Whenever wherever 心中一样清 Heart as clear 流在心里的血 Blood flow in the heart 澎湃着中华的声音 Surging Chinese voice 就算生在他乡也改变不了 Even born in exile doesn't change anything 我的中国心 My Chinese heart 来源于网络 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6db45129a5c30c22590102020740be1e650ecc83.html