
时间:2022-09-18 14:02:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
副词loudaloudloudly都有“大声的”意思,但用法有所不同。 1 loud的意思是“大声的、高声的、响亮的”。在动词talk ,speak,shout,laugh等后面,一般用loud,在非正式的谈话中尤其如此,loud又比较级,但往往不用最高级。例如:1.Speak louder,I can't hear you. 2.They laughed loud and long. 3.Don't talk so loud. 2aloud的意思是“出声的”,指使声音能被听到,而不止是在脑子里默默的说,它往往与read ,think等动词连用,但是aloud修饰call,cry等动词时,可以作“高声的、大声的”解.aloud没有比较级形式。例如:1.The teacher asked him to read the poem aloud. 2.He called aloud for help. 3.I was just thinking aloud. 3.loudly的意思是“高声的”经常可与loud通用。但在较正式语言中即表示“吵嚷不休的噪声”的意味,常用loudly. 例如:1.Don't shout so loud/loudly. 2.When they were arguing,they talked so loudly that the people in the next room could hear every word.
