
时间:2023-11-08 05:40:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


I saw a photo on internet just now ,it’s a photo of a big family.

刚刚在网上看到一张照片,是一个大家庭的全家福。 脸盆:

There must be so many people in it . 照片里肯定有很多人吧。 大嘴:

Yeah ,150 members of Gao in Dechang county took the photo firstly.

是的,德昌县高家150多人第一次拍成了“百人全家福”。 脸盆:

How great the family is! 真是个庞大的家庭啊! 大嘴:

It includes five generations from the aged to babies. 五代人同照,从耄耋老人到吃奶的婴儿。 脸盆:

It’s rare to see such a big family . 这么大的家庭在世界上很少见呢。


Yeah ,it was the first time to gather together for them since 600 years.

是啊,这也是高家600年来全家人第一次聚会。 脸盆:

They were offered the opportunity because of the improvement of our living standards.

现在生活水平提升了,为他们提供了这次机会。 大嘴:

Yeah ,dramatic changes took place in the big family in hundred years .

是的,这个大家庭在百年里发生了翻天覆地的变化。 脸盆:

They must be so excited . 他们一定都很高兴。
