总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office 人事咅B Personnel Department 人力资源咅 B Huma n Resources Dep artme nt 总务部 General Affairs Department 财务咅B General Accounting Department 销售部 Sales Department 促销咅B Sales Promotion Department 国际咅B International Department 出口部 Export Department 进口咅B Import Department 公共关系 P ublic Relati ons Dep artme nt 广告部 Advertising Department 企戈y咅B Planning Department 产品开发咅 B P roduct Development Dep artme nt 研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室 Secretarial Pool 采购部 Purchasing Department 工程咅B Engineering Department 行政部 Adm in. Dep artme nt 人力资源咅B HR Dep artme nt 市场咅B Marketing Department 技术咅 B Tech no log Dep artme nt 客服咅B Service Department 行政咅 B Adm ini strati on 财务部 Financial Department 总经理室 Direcotor , or P reside nt 副总经理室 Deputy Director , or Vice p reside nt 总经办 General Deparment 采购咅B Purchase & Order Department 工程咅B Engineering Deparment 研发部 Research Deparment 生产部 Productive Department 销售部 Sales Deparment 广东业务部 GD Branch De parme nt 无线事业部 Wireless In dustry Dep artme nt 拓展部 Business Expending Department 物供部 Supply Department 业务拓展部 B& D bus in ess and develo pment 市场部Marketing 销售部Sales 人力资源部HR 会计部 Accou nt 公共关系部 PR peopie relationship 办公室 OFC (Office,但不常见)/ OMB = Office of Management and Budget 外销部: Overseas Dep artme nt,l ntern ati onal Sales Section ,Ex port Section 财务科:Financial/Fiscal Department 党支部:Communist Party Office 会议室:Meeting Room/Hall/Auditorium, 或 Conference Hall/Auditorium 或直接 Auditorium, 视其大小而定了。 会客室: Reception Lounge/Room/House, 或 Meeting Room 或 Guest Room 质检科:Back-check Section/Department,Quality-inspection/Quality Control Department 内销咅B :Domestic Sales Section/Department 厂长室:Miller/Director/ Preside nt'Office( on Section/Dep artme nt,Service section 这很取决于你们厂的类型和规模) 行政科: Adm ini strati 技术部:Tech no logy Section 档案室:Archives(Office) 生产科:Production/Processing Section 一句话,不管选哪个,都得与自己公司或工厂的规模,类型,性质和结构相适应。 外销部:EXPORT DEP ARTMENT 财务科:FINANCIAL DEP ARTMENT 党支部: BRANCH OF THE P ARTY 会议室: 会客室: MEETING ROOM RECE PTION ROOM 质检科:QUALITY TESTING DEP ARTMENT 内销部: DOMESTIC SALES DEP ARTMENT 厂长室: FACTORY DIRECTOR'S ROOM 行政科: ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 技术部:TECHNOLOGY SECTION 档案室:MUNIMENT ROOM 生产科:MANUFACTURE SECTION 财务部Finance 市场部 MKTG (Marketing) 研发部 R&D (Research & Development) 产品咅B MFG (Manufacturing) 管理部 Administration Dept. 采购部 Purchasing Dept 总经理办公室 Chairma n/P reside nt Office // Gern eral Man ager office or GM office 监事会 Monitor & Support Department 略研究部 Strategy Research 行政办公司:Admi nistrative office 技术部:Tech no logy Dep artme nt 财务部:Finan cial Dep artme nt 营销部:Marketi ng De partmen 工程部:Engin eeri ng Dep artme nt 生产部:P roduct ion Dep artme nt 成本合约部:Cost Con tract De partme nt 管网所:Ofical network Office 化验组:Chemistry Section 总装车间 Fitti ng Shop 装配 A 组 Assembly Group A 装配 B 组 Assembly Group B 成品包装组 Fi nished P roduct Packi ng Group 散件包装组 Semi-product Packi ng Group 成品仓库 Fi nished P roduct Warehouse 工具仓 Facility Warehouse 行政仓 Administration Warehouse 金工成品仓 金工半成品仓 焊接组 Jointing Group 冲压组 Punch Grouo 注塑车间 De po sit Shop CNC 加工中心 CNC P rocess Center 试制车间 Trial-Ma nu facture Shop 生产指挥中心 P roduci ng Directing Cen ter 行政咅 B Adm in stratio n Department,董事长办公室 Dep artme nt ,财务咅 B P reside nt Office Finance Dep artme nt,采购课 Pu rchs ing 工程咅B Engineer Department ,外贸咅B Trading Department ,培训室 Training Center , 吸烟区 Smoking Are 接待室 Reeption Room 职工娱乐中心 En tertai nment Cen ter 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/705563067075a417866fb84ae45c3b3567ecddde.html