英语my表达的中文意思是什么 英语单词my表达的中文意思 英 [maɪ] 美 [maɪ] 形容词 我的(I的所有格形式) int.啊呀; 天啊代词 1. My eye! 天晓得! 2. Oh, my! 哎呀! 3. I'm looking for my glasses. 我在找我的眼镜。 4. Where are you from, my son? 小兄弟,你是哪里人? 5. My goodness! 天哪! 英语单词my的双语例句 1. MY undying and unconditional love to all of you for your gifts and love. 我的永恒和无条件的爱给你们大家,给予你们礼物和爱。 2. When I find my soulmate, she will receive my undying love and respect. 当我找到我伴侣,她会得到我永远的爱和尊重。 3. You know, my friend, it is easy to walk in faith 亲爱的朋友,在阳光明媚的时候,我们也许 4. I used to do a lot of private lessons, but my touring schedule does not really allow me to do that anymore. 我以前常常有一些私人的课程,但是我的`演出行程其实没办让我再做这项工作了。 5. Once I was so upset that I almost flooded the conversation with my complaints after she logged on. 我曾有一段时间(一个小时而已,被某人翻译成这样==!)非常消沉,当她上线时我就刷屏式的抱怨。 6. And assigning at home, this is not my personality. 在家吃白饭等分配,这不是我的性格。 7. I don't think many of my birds are visitors, because they come back every day no matter what the weather, so they must be mostly resident birds. 但我的这些鸟儿们大多不是匆匆的过客,而是留鸟,无论寒暑,它们每天都会飞到我的阳台上。 8. This is my absolute superiority of the plant, fast service security, integrity and customer is a link 这是我厂的绝对优势,同时快速的售后服务保障,是和客户诚信的纽带 9. If this man wrongs my sister, I will find out who he is, track him down, and kill him like a dog. 要是这个人亏待了姐姐,我会把他的身份打听清楚,跟踪追击,把他像狗一样宰了。 10. Just before making a cut in the materials, I saw my father's hands before me. 我刚想切开燃料,却看见父亲的双手在我面前。 11. I applied it to my blog and it works like a charm. 我套用到我的博客,它就像一个工程的魅力。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/711b4e13f8b069dc5022aaea998fcc22bdd1430f.html