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英文单词type的用法是有点复杂的,这就要求我们要理解它的汉语意思。以下是店铺为大家整理了英文单词type表达的汉语意思及简单例句,一起来看看吧! 英文单词type的汉语意思

[taɪp] [taɪp]


名词 类型; 铅字; (印刷或打印的)文字; 于…类型的 及物/不及物动词 打字

及物动词 [医学]测定(血型); 按类型把…归类; 成为…的典型; [印刷]浇铸(铅字等)


类别;种类(SORT OR KIND) 1. 类型;种类;品种

A type of something is a group of those things that have particular features in common.

e.g. …several types of lettuce… 几个不同品种的莴苣

e.g. There are various types of the disease... 该疾病有各种类型。 2. 一种,一类(人或事物)

If you refer to a particular thing or person as a type of something more general, you are considering that thing or person as an example of that more general group.

e.g. Have you done this type of work before?... 你以前做过这种活儿吗?

e.g. Rates of interest for this type of borrowing can be high...

这种类型的借款利率可能会很高。 3. 具有…特点的`人;…类型的人

If you refer to a person as a particular type, you mean that they have that particular appearance, character, or way of behaving.

e.g. It's the first time I, a fair-skinned, freckly type, have sailed in the sun without burning...


e.g. I was rather an outdoor type… 我是那种特别喜欢户外运动的人。 4. …不感兴趣的类型;并非…喜欢的类型

If you say that someone is not your type, you mean that they are not the sort of person who you usually find attractive.

e.g. At first I thought he was rather ordinary looking, a little chubby, not my type...

刚开始我认为他相貌很普通,有点胖乎乎的,并非我喜欢的类型。 e.g. I'm not his type. I am probably too strong a character. 我不是他喜欢的类型。大概我性格太要强了。 英文单词type的情景对话

AWhat are you learning? 你在学?

B:I’m learning how to (use computer/ speak Russian/ type more quickly).

我在学习(如何操作电脑/说俄语/快速打字) 租车

AYes? May I help you? 什么事?我能为您效劳吗?

BI'd like to rent a car, please. I need it for business.
