我英语作文 我英语作文 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编为大家整理的我英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 我圆脸扁鼻子,走路像爸爸,小鼻子小眼像妈妈,不高不矮,不胖不瘦。 I have a round face and a flat nose. I walk like my father. I have a small nose and small eyes like my mother. I'm not tall or short. I'm not fat or thin. 我爱听音乐,还爱学英语,以前如果爸爸妈妈不在家的.时候,我就一个人拿着音乐书唱歌。我还爱看故事书,看完了还讲给小伙伴们听。几年来,我的素质报告册上都写着:学习好,身体棒,爱劳动,团结同学。但是我的缺点大于优点。除了老师的评语:“贪玩、上课爱做小动作、还有下课爱打闹、骄傲自满。”爸爸还给我总结了好多条:“不好好吃饭,学习要“鞭子”抽,脑细胞是直直的,爱玩电脑不看书,脸皮厚打不死。” I love listening to music and learning English. Before, if my parents were not at home, I would sing alone with music books. I also like reading storybooks and telling them to my friends after reading them. In the past few years, my quality report book has written: good study, good health, love of labor, unity of classmates. But my shortcomings outweigh my advantages. In addition to the teacher's comments: "play, love to do small movements in class, and after class love to fight, complacent." Dad also summed up a lot of things for me: "if you don't eat well, learn to" whip ". Brain cells are straight. If you like to play with computers, you can't read a book. If you have a thick skin, you can't die." 暑假里,天气炎热,我走到一片西瓜地,就把西瓜连根拔起,我把西瓜朝地上一摔,然后就吃了起来。这回又挨老爸一顿打。今年期未考试,我的成绩都降到了95分,再也不是以前的双百了,为这,新年还没买新衣服。我的这些缺点转身就忘。我的脑细胞真是直直的,没有弯弯吗?记不住事情吗? Summer vacation, the hot weather, I went to a watermelon field, the watermelon uprooted, I threw the watermelon to the ground, and then ate. This time, my father beat me again. I didn't take the exam this year, and my grades have all dropped to 95 points, which is not the same as before. For this reason, I haven't bought new clothes in the new year. These shortcomings of mine turn around and forget. My brain cells are really straight. Aren't they curved? Can't remember? 我决心在新的一学期里,改掉缺点,自觉学习,长大了争取当个大医学家,专门治疗不听话孩子的脑细胞。 I am determined to get rid of my shortcomings and study consciously in the new semester. When I grow up, I will strive to be a big doctor, specializing in treating the brain cells of disobedient children. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/727f8f75edfdc8d376eeaeaad1f34693daef10ca.html