
时间:2023-04-22 05:29:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




The studio’s latest ic book adaptation, Ant-Man, features an ex-con named Scott Lang, playedby American actor Paul Rudd, 46. Instead of transforming into a big, muscular superhero like theHulk, Lang’s most distinctive characteristic is his ability to reduce himself to the size of an ant whenwearing an experimental suit invented by scientist Hank Pym (Michael Douglas).


Lang’s mission is not as lofty as “saving the universe”. Rather, he has to keep the suit from fallinginto the hands of villains who are trying to weaponize it.


The movie also has a ... aller budget than any previous Marvel adaptations.


Apparently, Ant-Man is less significant in every way than its predecessors, but it’s definitely “no ... all Marvel”, says USA



It’s true that Lang doesn’t have to deal with plummeting spacecraft or alien dragons, but when heshrinks to microscopic size, even ordinary locations in his house turn into treacherousenvironments that are full of threats. Overflowing bath-tub water bees a flood for Ant-Man,and the front lawn feels like a jungle. Ant-Man’s unique viewpoint adds novelty to some of theaction scenes.


The movie also achieves something that Marvel blockbusters have been missing all along “a veryhuman unease with super-heroi ... ”, as The Telegraph puts it. Instead of being a perfect andaltruistic hero, Lang is basically a goofball, a fact that fills the movie with hilarious moments and“ ... all” pleasures.

《每日电讯报》评价该片还触及了其他漫威大 ... 电影忽略的东西——“普通人的超级英雄焦虑症”。朗并不是一个完美和无私的英雄,相反,可以说他是一个呆瓜,这也为电影增添了不少笑点和“小”快乐。

“Ant-Man dabbles in the bright, playful colors of the superhero spectrum, reveling in moments ofcartoonish whimsy and ... irky humor,” mented The New York Times.

“蚁人为超级英雄的光谱增添了几分明艳、跳跃的色彩,全片沉醉于动画般的奇思妙想和自鸣得意的幽默,”《 ... 》评价该片说。

But the movie is not just a edy. It also has moments of human drama, as Lang struggles withhis ex-wife and daughter, as well as
