有关我的老师英语作文6篇 我的老师英语作文 篇1 何老师是我们203班的班主任。她不仅要给我们上语文课,还要管理我们班的日常工作。有一次,何老师因为嗓子发炎,说话的声音已经很沙哑,但是因为我还没有把课堂作业订正好,何老师还是耐心地给我讲解题目,直到我懂了并且完成了作业。 看着老师辛勤地为我们批改作业,我深深地感到,只有更努力地学习,才不辜负老师的期望。 He teacher is our class 203 class teacher. She not only to give us language classes, but also to manage our class daily work. Once, why the teacher because of throat inflammation, the voice of the speech has been very hoarse, but because I have not corrected the classroom work, how the teacher or patiently explained to me until I understand and complete the homework. Looking at the teacher hard for us to modify the homework, I deeply feel that only harder to learn, only to live up to the expectations of teachers. 我的老师英语作文 篇2 I have a good teacher, that is, language teacher Wang. Every day, she walked with a smile into the classroom, with a small voice gently lectures. Wang teacher work seriously responsible, sometimes loudly speaking is to remind students who do not listen carefully, whispering is the teacher talked about very happy, because the students behaved very well! Get out of class, and Wang and children around the chat, do the game. This is my good teacher, how? Do you like it? 我有一个好老师,那就是语文王老师。 第 1 页 共 3 页 每天,她都面带着微笑走进教室,用不大不小的嗓音温柔地讲课。王老师工作认真负责,有时大声说话就是在提醒不认真听讲的同学,小声说话就是王老师讲课讲得很开心,因为同学们表现得很好呢! 下课了,王老师和小朋友们围在一起聊天、做游戏。 这就是我的好老师,怎么样?你喜欢吗? 我的老师英语作文 篇3 I have a new teacher。 Her name is yoyo。SheLlives Lingbao。 She is a university student。She is our English teacher。 She is young and pretty, she’s tall and thin。 She has black hair。 She like has short hair。 She has two big eyes and two small ears a small mouth 。She is 1。65 meters tall。 I’m 9cm shorter than her。 She is very smart and kind。 She favourite like sweet food,vegetables and fish too。 She likes wearing red sweater 。blue jeans 。white socks and yellow shoes 。green book—bag。 She likes reading books。 Singing。 Do housework。 Reads newspapers every day 。watches TV in the evening She is very kind 。 She goes to work by bike Her class is so much fun,Her teaching skills are diverse。 In class, she usually uses games and tells stories。 She works hand for us。 When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working。 We all like her! 我的老师英语作文 篇4 我的英语老师姓张,她有一头乌黑的长发,白白的.皮肤,大大的眼睛,她经常穿着蓝色的衣服,有时戴着红色镜框的眼镜。 上课学单词的时候,她总是耐心地一个字母一个字母的教我们。有同学单词说得好的时候,老师就会伸出大拇指说:“Great!” 老师把全班同学分为三组,哪个组的同学回答的好,她就在黑板上画个苹果鼓励他们。 第 2 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7455576f5bfb770bf78a6529647d27284b733736.html