
时间:2023-11-24 16:16:54 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.The water is so cold that my teeth are chattering. 2.The temperature of the water is freezing, making me shiver.

3.The icy water feels like needles on my skin. 4.I can hardly bear the piercing coldness of the water.

5.The water feels as if it's seeping into my bones, making me shiver.

6.The icy cold water is causing my skin to prickle. 7.The water is so cold that it feels like my breath is freezing in my mouth.

8.The frigid water has me shaking uncontrollably. 9.The coldness of the water is like a sharp slap to my skin.

10.The icy water has me feeling like I'm walking on a sheet of ice.
