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Protect our environment ----------Let’sconserve water Yesterday, I see a picture

on the newspaper.There is a tap on it.And there just has a drop of water.there is a line of words after that: Please conserve water, or the last drop of water will be our tears.I

think we should

do something to save water.Because.We can't leave water if there is no water, it will be no life.As we all know water is very important in our daily life.We drink water every day, we use it to wash dishes, make food and so on.People can't leave without water.But now, the world is not only hungry, but also thirsty for water.There is only a little water for us to use.If we don't save it, it will surely be used out some day.But how can we save water?

We have many ways to save water.For example, when we finish washing face we can use the water to clean the floor.If we see the dropping tap, we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible and we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath is a waste of water.The most important thing is we should not pollute water so that we will have fresh water for years and years.Let’s conserve water! 第二篇:节约用水英语作文

Today,it is very serious for us about water resource shortage.we must face this problem and take measure to protect water resource.We all know that the water is very important to

us.Any animals,plants or other biology all need water to be alive.But as the picture shows,many people aren’t conscious the problem about water resource shortage.They think there is more than 70% water on our earth.So they waste water wantonly.But they don’t know that the most can’t be use directly,the only little water resource can be utilized directly.So,everyone should take measure to protect and save the valuable and important water resource.For example,we can tighten taps after using it.We can take shore faster.We can use the second water like using cloth washed water to wash cars.I believe we can be action ,the wasting water resource condition must get change.Let’s go everyone! 第三篇:英语演讲比赛海报

2011“外研社杯” 全国英语演讲大赛(初赛) 成都信息工程学院赛点 曁成信院 2.活动宣传:

线下宣传: 1.由学院负责于活动一星期前在青广上搁置展板及喷绘海报,并负责在各围合张贴围合小海报并于活动结束前回收各围合海报; 2.各学院于活动一星期内每日向各学院内部宣传本次活动,确保信息传达给每个人;

线上宣传: 2.各学院负责人积极转发各平台状态。 第四篇:英语海报(圣诞)

Mainspring Group

Group leader: Name: Lijiangzhou Motto: I am NO.1 ,I am legendary!Team members: Name: XionghuiMotto: Don’t for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to

Name: Gouboying Name: Luoyang Name: Zhouni

Name: Yuanhao Motto: Self confidence is the first secret of success!Motto: To be or not to be , that is a question!Motto: Silence is gold!Motto: The future is in my hands!
