
时间:2022-09-23 15:05:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

苹果赋予初代iPhone的宣传语是“苹果颠覆了手机行业”Apple reinvents the phone)和“这仅仅是个开始”This is only the beginning

iPhone 3G的宣传口号是“能够击败初代iPhone的第一款手机”The first phone to beat the iPhone,或者是“你一直在等待的iPhoneThe iPhone you have been waiting for

iPhone 3Gs的宣传口号是“迄今为止最快速的、最强大的iPhoneThe fastest, most powerful iPhone yet

iPhone 4的宣传口号也相当大胆:“这再次改变了一切”This changes everything. Again

iPhone 4s的宣传口号是“迄今为止最惊人的iPhoneThe most amazing iPhone yet

iPhone 5的宣传口号是“迄今为止改变最大的iPhoneThe biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone

iPhone 5s的宣传口号是“最超前、空前的手机”Forward thinking

iPhone 5c的广告语是“丰富多彩”For the colorful

iPhone 6/6 Plus的广告语是“岂止于大”Bigger than bigger

iPhone 6S/6S Plus的广告语是“唯一的不同,是处处都不同”The only thing that's changed is everything

iphone SE的广告语是“一小部的一大步”A big step for small

iphone 7/7 plus的广告语是“7,在此”This is 7
