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Stupid people take the initiative to create pain, wise men take the initiative to create happiness.

2、希望便是快乐,创造便是快乐。 Hope is happiness, create will be happy. 3、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍快乐。

Will know how to share happiness, to double happiness. 4、健康是智慧的条件,快乐的标志。

Health is the condition of wisdom, a sign of happiness. 5、错在明知是错,快乐该怎么选择。 Happy in knowing that is wrong, what to choose. 6、能安慰自己的人,比较容易快乐。 Who can comfort myself, more easily happy. 7、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍地快乐。 Will know how to share a happy, happy ability. 8、必须体验过痛苦,才体会到生的快乐。 Have to experience pain, feel the happiness. 9、生活幸福来自安全,人生快乐首当平安。

Happy life happiness comes from safety, life first when peace. 10、世界上没有快乐的地方,只有快乐的人。 The world no happy place, only happy people. 11、有钱的人会不快乐,没钱的人更不快乐。

The rich people will not happiness, not money people are not happy. 12、不相信爱情的人会比平常人容易不快乐。

People who do not believe in love will be easier than normal not happy. 13、守信的人是最快乐的,诚实是最天真的。

Is is the most happy, honest and trustworthy is the most naive. 14、解开烦恼即为智慧,解开痛苦即为快乐。

Solve troubles is the wisdom, pain is the happiness. 15、过往的欢乐是否褪色,想问你怎么舍得。

Whether the joy of the past fades, want to ask you how willing to give up. 16、从风雨中寻找快乐,在挫折中保持坚韧。

From the wind and rain to find happiness, keep tough in the setback. 17、真正的同情在忧愁的时候不在快乐的期间。 Real sympathy at the time of sorrow is not happy. 18、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。 The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal. 19、一个人开朗豁达,就会感受到自尊的快乐。 Serenity, one will feel the joy of self-esteem. 20、收获金秋,收获快乐,莫让青春一笑而过。

Harvest golden autumn, harvest happiness, let youth laugh it off. 21、要求别人是很痛苦的,要求自己是很快乐的。 Demands others are painful, they are very happy. 22、快乐的人生时光短暂,痛苦的人生时光漫长。 Happy life time is short, the pain of life is a long time. 23、人生的最大快乐,是自己的劳动得到了成果。 The greatest happiness in life, is your own labor got results. 24、世上没有不能快乐的人,只有不肯快乐的心。 No not happy, only not happy heart.


Have not have who will remember, quick not happy one day always in the past. 26、关爱每一个孩子,他们的成长是我最大的快乐! Take care of every child, their growth is my biggest happiness! 27、生命是无尽的'享受,永远的快乐,强烈的陶醉。

Life is endless enjoyment, permanent happiness and strong intoxication. 28、唯有创造才是快乐。只有创造的生灵才是生灵。 Only create is happy. Only by creating the creatures are creatures. 29、勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人。 Diligent work, happy life, a dignified life.
