可怜的苔丝,为爱而生存,因爱而毁灭。 Tess很美。她的姣好与玲珑映衬在一身的洁白下。她很白,白的那么纯,不可亵渎;白的那么美,无与伦比;白得那般艳,令人惊羡。那般白,曾盛开在灿烂的日光下,奔放在原野绿丛中,舞动在庄园秋色里。那般白,曾如此的出奇夺目、娇艳动人。当火红的玫瑰戳伤了手,鲜血沾染了洁白,Tess的白,开始让人怜惜。 关于苔丝的评价已有许多,我却想说说哈代的女性主义情结,在他的笔下,苔丝的几个女性工友,她们都被哈代完全神圣化了。她们也是如此美丽,她们善良勤劳,是女性的完美形象。 令我惊诧的,还有剧中反复奏响的乐曲,那淡淡的忧伤。那乐曲多么美妙动听,让人如痴如醉,百听不厌。《德伯家的苔丝》的插曲与故事情节如此吻合,激起了我心底万般柔情。故事的情节不失浪漫,浪漫之余却散发着忧伤,弥漫着宿命。情节与画面交织的天衣无缝,影音与命运的双重奏,给纯洁的Tess蒙上了宿命的色彩。主旋律、背景音乐与掺和的曲调穿插于剧情中,诉说着淡淡的忧伤、绵绵哀怨、柔弱、孤苦与无助,预示着冥冥中的命运。 Poor Tess, she is survived because of love, and is also destroyed because of love. Tess is a very beautiful girl . Her beauty and elegance is prominented under her white appearencce and clear soul. Yes ! I want to say that she is so white and pure, and this white can not be profaned by dirt; she is very white, brilliant and amazing, and this white can change this world into happiness; she is pretty white, delicate and charming , and this white can even make flowers feel shy ! Of course ,there are already many evaluations of Tess , so I just want to talk about the writer's feminism. Under his pen, Tess's female workers, are also very kind and warmhearted . They have the heart of sympathy to Tess , and do what they can to help Tess. They completely became holy and perfect under the writer's description. I think they are not only pretty beautiful, but also the model of feminism. To my surprise, I really like the repeated played music in this film. The music is so wonderful, and can let us feel a deep touch of sadness. Although the plots of the story is romantic, I still smell the sorrow, which controlled by fate. The plots and the pictures were seamlessly matched up , the audio and video with the fate of the duet, also painted Tess a fatalistic color. Generally speaking , the main melody, the background music and the blending melody are interspersed in this story, and run with a touch of sadness,loneliness, continuous weak and helplessness, indicates that the dark fate. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/766c09936bec0975f465e230.html